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Showing posts from July, 2024

Annoyed - sellers agent hasn’t changed listing to pending

My sellers agent is apparently an older woman and in the middle of a move…. So may I should give her some grace But it’s been almost 4 days and she hasn’t updated the listing to pending. My agent tells me it’s all good bc it’s a contract but I don’t feel good about it Thoughts on what I should do? submitted by /u/Primary_Barnacle_493 [link] [comments] source

Starter Homes over $1 million

$1 million starter homes are becoming the norm. submitted by /u/MuscleHead440 [link] [comments] source


STOP FLUSHING YOUR $$$ DOWN THE.... DON'T RENT...For the average person renting is a waste of money. You gain wealth and no financial benefit. PURCHASE a this video I EXPLAIN why.... An Attorney Licensed to Practice Law in Maryland for over 30 years and a Real Estate Agent Licensed to Sell Real Estate in Maryland for over 22 years with over $180 Million Dollars in Sales! Questions---Please Comment, Email or Call or Smoke Signal....I will respond. Thank you for watching and subscribing and liking and telling others…. 😊 "google" "bruce hechmer" submitted by /u/Ok_Habit8190 [link] [comments] source

Help I did something stupid

Ill spare you the details but i need to sell my house ASAP. Im already signed on with a relator. He said it should sell in two weeks. Some houses on zillow i have saved were sold before i could even decide if i like them. Some have been on a few months. I am looking for full time employment but if this house doesnt sell in a month i am so fucked. What are my options? submitted by /u/ListenCompetitive524 [link] [comments] source

Need Guidance on Unresponsive Landlord Situation for My Client

Hey fellow agents, I have a client who's facing a bit of a challenge with their current landlord, and I'm seeking some advice on the best course of action. Here's the situation: On June 12th, my client sent an email and a text to their landlord, informing them of their intention to vacate the property by July 19th and not renew the lease. The lease ended in March, and they had previously requested to switch to a month-to-month arrangement, but received no response to that request either. On July 1st, my client followed up with another email and a phone call that went to voicemail, reiterating their intention to vacate by July 19th. Still, no response from the landlord. Now it's July 26th, and my client has fully moved out, but there's still no word from the landlord. The lease agreement states that 30 days' notice is required for breaking the lease, which my client provided via email and text. They have saved all correspondence and phone records. I'm c

Mid century architect original plans

Hello, I’m hoping someone here can help me or point me in the right direction. I fell in love with a mid century property by John Lautner (3329 Ledgewood, Hollywood, CA). The architect is now dead, his foundation gave all his plans away to the Getty museum special collection. I am looking for the plans of this specific house. They are not in the ones the Getty museum has, I have tried contacting the agent that is listing the property but to no avail. Is there a way to find them online maybe through the Hollywood county office? Any help is appreciated. I am in the process of starting the design of my next house in Houston, TX and would like to incorporate some of the features of this specific house. submitted by /u/gioselu [link] [comments] source

Wanting to work in another state buying a house in another

I'm looking at houses in OH, I have a good job in CA but obviosly cannot remotely afford the taxes, housing, and home payment. I have been to ohio many times and love the area. But I want to stay with my family for free and work in california (higher paying state) and pay for the house in OH. How possible is that? submitted by /u/jetting_along [link] [comments] source

Buying First Home

My fiancé and I are looking to buy our first home. We live in Florida and have been in talks with a mortgage lender and they suggest us going with the “home town heros” program for our mortgage. Does anyone have tips or insight on if these programs are good? With the uncertainty of if they will cut interest rates in a few months, what are our options if we want to refinance and how does that work? Are we able to shop our own mortgage and is that better? Any information is greatly appreciated! submitted by /u/ASGroup_ [link] [comments] source

Seeking Real Estate Shadowing Opportunities for High School Student in Kitchener

I am a 15-year-old high school student from Kitchener, Ontario. I'm passionate about real estate and looking to shadow a professional in the field to gain experience. If anyone is open to mentoring or knows someone who is, I'd greatly appreciate it. submitted by /u/Vegetable_End597 [link] [comments] source

Inheritance coming…Buy now or later?

I just found a house I love in my dream neighborhood. Only $325K (it needs some work, but I’d be happy to take that on). I currently qualify for a mortgage and have enough cash for a 20% down payment. I’m eager to buy now, but I just learned that I will be receiving a $130,000 inheritance in 5 or 6 months. I am trying to determine which path would make the most sense (and if one path would result in me paying more interest in the long run): Buy Now: Purchase this house now with a 20% down payment and then use the inheritance I receive in 6 months to pay off a significant portion of the mortgage. Wait for Inheritance: Wait for the inheritance and use it to make a larger down payment on a different house (this house will be gone). I currently have a month to month lease, which makes my schedule a bit more flexible. I’d appreciate any advice! submitted by /u/Acceptable-Turn1805 [link] [comments] source

EMD- Can They Keep It?

Tl;dr- EMD is said to be kept by seller if buyer defaults. Contract says we can withdraw at any time during contingency. We did after they refused to bargain after significant issues came up during inspection. We sent a release and thus I think withdrew. Days later, they gave an okay counter offer, but we were done. Now they are trying to keep EMD. Can they? Just wanted to double check- I got some good info on learning how to proceed to go to court from a previous post, but I want to make sure I'm not misunderstanding the contract. Our contract is pretty normal I think, the EMD goes to them in case of default, but the contract spells out that in contingency we can pretty much bail after inspection for any reason. Inspection was terrible, but we didn't immediately bail, we tried to make an offer that I think was more than fair. Maybe we felt pressure, and didn't realize how much it would be to get into, and we had no time to figure out just exactly how much money and ef

Commissions have never been negotiable; thus the lawsuit.

For all the realtors saying commissions have always been negotiable, you’re lying again. If the seller of the home decided not to offer commission to the buyer or offer lower than 3%, realtors would steer their clients away from the home. This was one of the reasons for the lawsuit. This was proven in the court of law. We will slowly see commissions coming down and the real estate industry slowly being replaced by flat rate fees and hrly rates. Faketors, I mean realtors are going the way of travel agents. submitted by /u/Beneficial-Royal6751 [link] [comments] source


i'll be turning 18 soon and heading off to Uni to study finance or something... Anyways, should I get a job in a brokerage while in Uni? I feel like if I do, and i do an online course for the license, i'll end up dropping out of Uni to work full time for them I've seen so many young people (18,19,20) work as real estate agents, and I ask myself how they do it without higher education. And then I say if they can do it, why can't I i'm not saying I wont go to Uni, but i want to start, I just don't know the consequences of what comes after I decide yes ill do it or no i wont this is one of those "i dont know what to do with my life" situations, except my life hasn't started yet either way I would really appreciate some comments on this, I'd like to view different perspectives 🙏 submitted by /u/damegrits [link] [comments] source

Bad timing all around

I have a great realtor. I'm very happy with her . She went on vacation this week, as she should, and had a backup to show me houses. My realtor called me to tell me on Wednesday about it. Of course, I wanna see it asap. She schedules it on Friday. I didn't think much of it. If she was here, we normally see it that day as soon as I get off. However, Thursday rolls by and she told me her backup has a client that put in an offer in today (Thursday), as they saw the house on Wednesday with the backup. I asked to see it asap because I would like the opportunity to decide if I want to put in an offer. I was told that the backup is busy until Friday and that she will set an appointment up for Friday. There was no way for me to see it Thursday. We set a time for Friday, and 30 mins before the showing, the owners accepted the offer. I'm crazy upset right now. I know it's no one's fault but everything just happened at the right freaking time. Not to mention, finding a house

Zillow's rent estimate too low

I just had my house (it's a townhouse but the management is a condo, very dysfunctional HOA. They should have changed to a townhouse over 10 years ago!) listed on Zillow. To my surprise, even the house price is $215k, the rent estimate is only $900 something. I had rented out this house for 3 years, the price started from $1200 to $1300, and the Zillow rent estimate was always slightly higher than that. Now, I finally decided to sell the house, but the rent estimate suddenly (at the time my house was on the market) dropped to under 1k. I wonder if anyone knows the reason for this. Are there any ways my agent or I can do to change it? Since the potential buyers might be investors, this rent estimate would certainly stop them from buying it, I believe. Thanks for any advice! submitted by /u/Optimal_Actuator_123 [link] [comments] source

Seller wants to terminate after signed repair addendum

As the seller of our home the buyers signed their purchase offer on 6/27 and the repair addendum on 7/18. We are in the process of fixing all the repairs and now the buyer requested to terminate the sale and refund all their earnest money. I have an agent and attorney and waiting for their advice but thought of tapping into Reddits experience as well. We’ve made about $1500 in repairs so far, with a few items pending. The earnest money is $6000. Closing date is 8/15. submitted by /u/Character_Lynx2015 [link] [comments] source

Buying home out of state CA and selling home in NJ. LTV

Hi So we are planning on selling our home in NJ and buying another and us moving to CA. I currently work and combined income in NJ are comfortable. Moving to CA for double what we currently make. My question is mortgage and how much house should we be approved pending our current income in NJ. The move consists of new job in CA after closing in NJ and CA simultaneously. Is this possible? We are in good terms with our Credit Union, and be applying with them on the mew mortgage. We also have excellent credit scores. Thank you. submitted by /u/Ambitious_Yam_8163 [link] [comments] source

Huge Difference Between LE and Final Closing Cost Details

I'm financing new construction and have a 15k seller credit, 3.3k deposit I made on options/additions, and a 7.5k earnest deposit. I have a loan estimate from 7/16 with a loan amount of $658,833. Estimated closing costs are $56k and estimated cash to close is $38k. It should be noted that this cash to close doesn't include my 7.5k earnest deposit, so cash to close should really be about 30k. I mentioned this to my loan officer twice and he said it would even out at closing and said 30k was the right number. Today I received the final closing disclosure and there's a 15k increase in cash to close, and now the closing cost details include my 15k seller credit (applied towards origination charges, which wasn't where he'd applied it before, but ok) and the 7.5k earnest deposit I made - but omitted the 3.3k deposit I'd already made. My biggest area of concern: the loan estimates all calculated estimated escrow prepaids for insurance/taxes/Mello Roos at 3 months,

Has anybody ever bought a home and 2 days after closing and

The lenders have blocked me and are only allowing me to talk to their legal consultant. He has erased some emails, not all but just random ones, and I can't see them anymore. There is a clause in the documentation stating that omissions and errors expire in about 14 days, which would clear them of all wrongdoing If anyone can help I’m 100% p and t using my Va loan id appreciate it submitted by /u/Both-Consequence-251 [link] [comments] source

Short sale question

So I am so confused. I know banks have to approve a short sale offer. I have that all done and we are at the closing stage of the process. We signed all our documents and the “owner” not the bank signed his documents as well. Well I got a call that now the title company said they are waiting for the bank to approve the transaction. Long story short they approved our offer and we got an inspection done. The inspector found some minor things so we asked if they would price reduce not getting hopes up as we understand a lot of the time it is a as is property. We all agreed we would keep it as is due to if they do take a new price it would start the offer process over again. We got our appraisal done and as soon as that was done we got a call they want to do another appraisal as well and the appraiser wants to see the inspection report. We sent it. We get the call everything is at the title company and we need to hurry and sign as well would close the next day. Well next day comes and I g

How much can I generally go under asking price

I live in Western Europe and would like to buy a house. I however don't know how much you can generally lower the price of a house if you have just a bit less than the asking price saved up. Does anybody have some tips or advice in this regard? submitted by /u/watice [link] [comments] source

ADU and family affairs

Hello, I am unsure if this is the right place to post about this but here I go. My husband and I are in our late 20s and we have a newborn (first and only grandchild in the family). We live in SoCal and haven’t been able to buy/afford a house in our desired locations. We currently live at my parents house paying some rent while stacking up our savings as we both work FT (I’m currently on parental leave). Although we have thought and semi discussed this before, we are seriously reconsidering building an ADU at my husband’s family’s home. They have about .25 acre lot and have a good amount of unused land in their backyard that would perfectly fit an ADU (used to be a playground). My husband’s parents seem to be in favor of this decision, however, we feel there’s a lot to discuss to ensure fairness in our family affairs. My husband has 2 younger siblings that are in their early/mid 20’s that both still live at home. His parents also have land in AZ that they seem interested in developing

Philippines RE Opportunity in 2024

First time poster and avid observer. I am a small time landlord with a few doors in the US. I am looking at expanding and finding it increasingly difficult to make the numbers work with leverage that is worth the effort this is considering i can let this grow at 5-8%+ in tbills, bonds, and hysa at minimal risk and higher cashflow. I am in a unique position having a spouse with dual-citizenship in the Philippines with solid liquidity. The cost of a cash purchase there is not far off from a down payment here for investment property 5-8M PHP will go far from what ive seen in researching different areas in land/house for sale groups. What are the largest opportunities and downsides to owning property in this country when buying cash? I have been before in a non investor capacity and see it being feasible with worst case you own a vacation home free and clear to rent on airbnb. thought process of this being both an investment and for personal use/retirement many years down the line. Fully

Renovating for appraisal

Bought a home for 445 in canada qhere the lender pulled the finances 2 yours before we recieved rhe keys because our lawyer sent them a copy of the inspection report. We had 75K put aside to renovate it. We put less than 20% down so the mortgage had to be insured. No mortgage insurers will touch it now so in an effort to not get sued the lenders have given us access to renovate the home in an effort to bring up the value to have it appraised by a bank to get a new mortgage. We are reciwving help to put 20% down now. The house has great bones. A dry basement and no crooked floors and a 8 year old roof with no damage. Siding is fine. In the next two weeks we're putting in new plumbing, new electrical with new panel, brand new stairs to second floor and basement, new flooring, new furnace and asbestos removed. Will those renovations help with an appraisal? Facts about house.. Built in 1948 140 foot by 50 foot lot fully fenced Block foundation Paved driveway Listed at 499,900 offer

Earnest money

I need insight on earnest money. We have had some buyers that have been straight up difficult. They have been looking for a home since 2020 if that tells you anything. They want everything repaired on their terms, which is fine but we have had enough and aren’t doing it. We have a well maintained home, new roof, new AC, new paint, new lighting, and more. They have had a home inspection and we have agreed to fix everything on the list. However, one item is our patio, which they want 5000 to “fix”. We hired a structural engineer who says this is cosmetic repair, there is nothing structurally wrong with the house. The realtor says they can get the earnest money back because we didn’t disclose this in the non-disclosure agreement. However, the contract states a non-cosmic defect that is not disclosed can give them the money back. This is COSMETIC defect, we are not hiding anything. Then she says, we are terminating the contract based on mutual agreement and they get their earnest back.

Your Marketing is working Against YOU!

Marketing is crucial for any business, yet 95% struggle with it. Investing in marketing doesn’t guarantee instant success. Even with significant investment, you might find it hard to grow your business digitally and build a strong brand. Ever wondered why your marketing efforts aren’t paying off? Here are some common reasons: Lack of Focus : Even with a solid plan, if your marketing lacks focus, you may end up diluting your message. Targeting everyone can make your marketing less effective. Limited Resources : Marketing requires expertise and can be costly. Many businesses attempt to handle it themselves, which can lead to ineffective strategies compared to competitors with more resources. Expertise Gap : Even successful business leaders may lack marketing expertise. Just as you excel in your area, marketing needs its own set of skills and knowledge. High Competition : In today’s digital landscape, standing out is tough. Competing against numerous businesses can make it challeng


I’ve owned a 3-acre lot for almost 10 years and am trying to build our house. The lot is hilly and rocky, and so we found the best spot for the size house we want. When clearing the land, we found that the neighbor has a septic drain field there, and that he has an easement for it from 1995, totaling an area of an acre. He’s not open to moving his drainfield in order to allow us to put the house halfway onto the easement area. How screwed am I? Do I have any legal recourse? The extent of this easement wasn’t really explained when I bought the land, and it really seems to affect the land value. If I have to put the land on the rocky hillside I can’t afford the demo. Do I have any additional leverage if his septic system was never properly permitted and recorded with the county health department? submitted by /u/seabass1977d [link] [comments] source

Rental rate based on lease term question - Plano, TX

I'm curious about the rental rates for the apartment I'm living in. I'm currently paying $1250/mo on an 18-month lease, and they're offering the following for renewal. What would make them charge so much more going from 15 to 14 month leases, and then charge less for an 11 month lease than the 14, 13, or 12 month leases? This is Plano, TX. I'm grateful that it's not going up very much for most of the lease terms, just curious what makes the 14, 13, and 12 month terms so much higher. Thanks in advance! Lease term Rate 18 months - $1287 17 months - $1290 16 months - $1292 15 months - $1295 14 months - $1548 13 months - $1551 12 months - $1556 11 months - $1313 submitted by /u/JCBWheels [link] [comments] source

Selling house settlement in 2 days

Selling a house privately to people renting the house, it has been unconditional for a week and settlement is in two days. I have had the chimney swept as it is still a rental property until sold. And have been made aware that the flue needs replaced and upon quoting for flue replacement the fire has been altered at some stage (60s house) and isn't consented. I have been made aware of this two days prior to settlement, I have told my solicitor as we will need to inform Purchaser. What happens next ? Will settlement still happen? Or will it fall through. Would this be something there building inspection and lim clauses cover in the earlier stages of the sale process. I had no prior knowledge to the issue and as soon as I was made aware I have let Purchaser know. Any info on how things should play out would be greatly appreciated submitted by /u/Cautious_Cookie_840 [link] [comments] source

Is this normal structure of for investor purchase with profit share?

I’m looking for some advice/thoughts on selling to investor and splitting profit- my first post on this and not sure if here is appropriate, please advise. I’m in an urgent need to sell my place due to a looming foreclosure proceeding- I filed ch13 last year with ability of retaining my house, however I since lost my job. So the option I’m considering from an investor is as follows, as I understand: - purchase price investor pays to me $450k (received at closing)- similar but better condition unit to mine sold for $650,000 last week. -2 months rent back to me for minimal amount -investor does flip with necessary changes/improvements and flips property. -investor and I split profit from flip at 50/50. Is this a common structure? I totally trust my realtor - used her to purchase same place in 2013. Also, I have a good chunk of equity but am unable to do changes needed to flip myself due to time constraints. Ask me any more needs to know submitted by /u/murderthumbs [link]

Unrealistic buyers!!

We have our home up for sale and have a buyer who signed As-Is contract. Still they came up with a list of stuff to fix and we were forced to agree to 12 out of 15 they are asking(though most of them are regular wear and tear for a 7 year old home), we did all repairs and submitted receipts and have closing scheduled in a couple days. Now the buyers are saying they are not satisfied with the repairs and are threatening to walk away saying it’s sellers default as we didn’t repair as per their satisfaction. They are demanding 2000$ to sign the closing. Since it’s buyers market my sellers agent is pushing to keep agreeing to whatever the buyers are demanding and he is the sole reason why we ended up doing all repairs. Since market is low and we dont have any backup offers they are forcing our hand. They don’t have any inspection satisfaction contingency. What are we supposed to do now? How do we prove we did all repairs as requested(since satisfaction is upto one’s own limit). They have

If there was a perfect Property Management software, what would it include?

Property managers, what features and tools would make the perfect property management software for you? Share your ideas and experiences. What do you wish your current software could do better? submitted by /u/buhanka1994 [link] [comments] source

Realtor negotiated lower price

Great news, offer was accepted! Checked the comps and made a competitive offer. I’m just thinking, when my realtor called, she says she negotiated a lower price than what I offered..and they accepted, 10,000 less than we offered on our offer letter! Is it normal for the realtor to negotiate the price without letting me know? And I didn’t ask for it but she says she sent in paperwork with a lower ask than I authorized with an escalation clause. Want to be excited but we didn’t discuss any of that. So I ask, should I be wary of anything? Is it okay to use an attorney and inspector she recommended? submitted by /u/DIY_NO_VICE [link] [comments] source

How did you properly educate yourself on the home buying process?

Buying a home is foreign language to me and a lot of my family. I have done research but i just still feel timid about the process. With that being said, I feel the need to get a real estate license to do educate myself more but I know it’s not necessary. Any advice? How did you properly educate yourself on the home buying process? submitted by /u/BeautifulPen4865 [link] [comments] source

How much time does Cold-Calling actually take Real Estate Agents?

I recently went to check out a few local agencies here in Cape Town South Africa, and from what I heard, the most successful estate agents are the ones that can call the most leads every day/week/month -- and then be able to follow up with them and actually build a meaningful relationship with the client. If there are any realtors here, I'd love to know if that's the same in your city/country and if so, how long does calling all these leads actually even take? submitted by /u/iamethanglenny_ [link] [comments] source

Question about fuel oil heating

Trying to close on a house that has a fuel oil furnace and tank, the tank is 500 gallon buried tank and the house is from the 70’s. I would like to switch from fuel oil to an alternative options. My concern is if the tank has been leaking how to protect myself from costly remediation? Would there be house insurance or something that might protect me from the unknown if the tank has been leaking? submitted by /u/Auernation [link] [comments] source

Moving out of CA and renting house

Hey there, I've come across a great job opportunity in another state and I'm looking into California tax laws. I understand that I should seek professional advice, but it's late, and all the CPAs I know are unavailable. I've heard that I might be taxed twice – once by my new state on my income and again by California due to rental income being combined with my new job income. submitted by /u/Darthbeagless [link] [comments] source

How does commercial zoning affect residential buildings in the city?

I live in the city across from a vacant square lot that was bought by an acquisition a few years ago. They are supposed to build mixed hotel/restaurants/commercial multi building lot. How will this typically affect residential(condos) around the area? submitted by /u/Goooneyz [link] [comments] source

This Muharram, embrace tranquility and strength with IKONISH uPVC windows. May your homes be as resilient as your spirit. 🕌🌟 submitted by /u/CourtWhole2021 [link] [comments] source

Broker signed agreement. Tried to assign and failed.

What's my recourse. I'm selling one of those cash only houses. Broker contacted me and I signed a contract with him. He got the contract assigned but they backed out as of today (last day to close per contract). Do I have any recourse for him wasting 30 days of my time? submitted by /u/solunis0 [link] [comments] source

A friend paying for a property I own

Hypothetical situation - Can a friend pay for the property that will get registered under my name? Will government question the existence of my ownership of the property? submitted by /u/SandelaSiri [link] [comments] source

Looking for a Own House?

We have come across a new project where you can own your 2/3BHK New Whitefield, Bangalore by just paying 7-8 lac limited units. submitted by /u/Digitalclif [link] [comments] source

Mounted cat stairs on wall

We mounted two sets of three cat stairs on the wall in a bedroom. I don't have the wall paint anymore. Do we get photos done to list with the stairs still mounted and remove them when we start showing? Or do we remove the stairs after we sell (before/after final walkthrough?)? Will having the stairs decrease the value of our home? submitted by /u/Inksl8nger [link] [comments] source

Rude Buyer

My agent called on Friday to say a Buyer wanted to view my house on Sunday at 4 pm. At 3:50, we gather the dogs and head out. My realtor (who was not able to show the house) tells me at 4:12, they will be late. I asked her to let me know when theycwere done.. I'm really annoyed because it's 100 degrees and we have the dogs. We tried to walk them by the park, but it was too hot and we ran out of drinking water. So on the way to Starbucks, we drove by the house. No car. After getting our drinks and pupcups, we drive back by the house. No car. So we drive around. Finally, I text my realtor and ask if they are even there yet. She gets back to me at 5:12 to say they are done. My camera video shows they were there for 5 whole minutes and left at 4:58, but didn't call my agent to tell her until I asked. It may not seem that serious, but with 3 dogs and 4 people driving in a truck in 100 degree weather, it felt like forever. As soon as we have a buyer, we are buying our next hous

How do buyers typically respond to receiving a presentation before the initial meeting?

I'm preparing for an upcoming sales meeting and wanted to get some insights from those with experience in B2B sales. Specifically, I'm curious about how potential buyers typically react when they receive a presentation ahead of our first meeting. Do they appreciate the preparedness and see it as a sign of diligence, or does it sometimes come off as too pushy or presumptuous? I've heard mixed opinions on this approach and would love to hear your thoughts and experiences. Have you found it to be beneficial in establishing credibility and setting a positive tone for the initial discussion, or does it depend largely on the industry and individual preferences? Looking forward to your responses! submitted by /u/carrot_touch [link] [comments] source

Delisted & Relist; Top of MLS?

I'm selling my house, slightly 'as is', but is mostly cosmetic issues. Things like interior painting, worn kitchen & bath tiles. It could get someone thru 3-5 years if they wanted, but on the other hand isn't a 'flip' with everything new. Its priced accordingly, but after dropping its price and giving it 2-3 weeks, I inevitably took it off to address some of these concerns. Now, after about a month and some legit work being done, my realtor relisted it. However, after going live, I noticed it is not at the top of Realtor .com. Is that normal? We're pretty far down in the zip code, and looks like its just been stagnant (also I skipped 30+ days). State is PA if that matters, I was expecting to be at the top again to boost views. submitted by /u/EddieLeeWilkins45 [link] [comments] source

How do I calculate exact closing cost

Is there a way to get an estimate of closing cost. I’m interested in a property that is 140k I’ve saved exactly 20% And after speaking with the lender who is pulled my credit I didn’t really budget for closing cost. Can anyone give me an estimate of what the closing cost would be. Take assessment I check was 2,000 a year. submitted by /u/dreamer_realitycheck [link] [comments] source

Hello I am a young 22M looking to invest in real estate

I am a keep it short so my life savings is around 40k liquid and I live with my parents . Also have a job at a warehouse making 20 an hour and overtime if available my credit score is 770 I am very interested in buying home to rent and maybe cash flow If anyone is familiar with how to invest in foreign countries as well for me Morocco 🇲🇦 as I am Moroccan how does the financing work in foreign countries what is your guys opinion should I just wait and make more money before jumping in or do I start searching for something now I have no experience in real estate .and also how much home can I afford thank you so much submitted by /u/AffectionatePay267 [link] [comments] source

Cheap waterfront lot in Seattle - what am I missing?

Hi everyone, I'm a long time lurker first time poster. I recently came across this listing for a 0.43 acre lot on the water in the Magnolia neighborhood of Seattle. I understand that it would require road access, plumbing and electricity to be installed by the city (which can be a hassle), but 130k for this seems like a great deal? What am I missing? submitted by /u/Far-Vegetable-9069 [link] [comments] source

Cancelling a contract three days after escrow started.

My very elderly mother (90+) signed a contract to sell her houses. She told me after three days later she needed surgery and had to cancel the sale. I had been estranged from her for years but she required my help almost everyday as my brother was recently diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. And could no longer take care of her. The buyer didn’t believe her but it is true. 4 days after that my wife and I received a call from an alarm company that our house was broken into out of state. The officer told us the house we bought months prior was now heavily damaged due to the flood. My wife immediately wife called the buyer and he expressed zero empathy for this situation. My mother had a stroke five months prior. I did not know this until my brother told me about it weeks after signing. My mother was going to move in with us to this new home 1800 miles away but now the house is absolutely unliveable. State Farm will not repair it. The mortgage company put a forebearance on it until august. We

Is 20k a good enough down-payment on a 300k condo?

I'm currently working on saving my money in the hopes of getting into a rent-to-own type deal. I'm inexperienced with real estate and instead of doing thoughtful research I'd figure that I'd come on reddit and ask people because my generation is lazy. My credit is mush right now, probably 550, If i paid off my credit cards I could bring it up to 6 something...I only have 3 years of credit history as well, I'm 24. My plan is to get a roommate to help me pay off the place I'd get into (God willing). I know this also entirly depends on the location so this is what I'm thinking: somewhere in either Colorado or California. I was leaning more towards California because I like being near the city but obviously not within the city because that's too expensive. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks. submitted by /u/Haunting-Benefit3266 [link] [comments] source

Is the seller required to remove this?

We are closing on a place in about a week. We love it, it’s perfect. The place right now has staging furniture, and one piece that’s currently in the living room is a big black shelf. And I mean big. It covers a lot of the wall, wide and tall. It’s really ugly and takes up a space that you could do a lot with. It looks like furniture, it’s not a fixture of the home, so we didn’t think anything of it, but we just found out it’s affixed to the wall, like bolted or something. Can we ask the seller to take it with them? It’s going to be extremely annoying taking it out. Our purchase agreement doesn’t say we would keep any furniture. I guess I just am not sure how much it being affixed to the wall impacts the answer to this question. Theoretically, you could bolt a couch to the floor, but I’d think the seller would still have to remove it. submitted by /u/Maryfonasari [link] [comments] source

Seller backed out of contract

My fiancé and I are looking to purchase a home. We found one and the seller accepted our offer and both parties signed the contract. The sale was contingent on my fiancé selling his home. On the day of the deadline the house wasn’t sold but he stated he would drop the contingency and move forward with the purchase anyway. The seller’s realtor never told this to the seller and he instead sent him termination of sale paperwork (which he did not sign). The next day the seller signed an offer with another buyer. Come to find out the realtor was working for both the seller and the new buyer. What legal action can be taken if any? The realtor intentionally did not inform the seller the contingency would be dropped before the deadline was up. submitted by /u/Inevitable_Eye_2924 [link] [comments] source

Making an offer

Hi Guys, Me and my partner are currently in the process of house hunting (exciting!). We’ve viewed about 15 properties so far and have finally found one we love, the problem being it stretches our budget considerably and in all honesty, I probably shouldn’t have been looking at houses in this price range. The house is up for offers over 270k and it has been on the market for 2 months. We are in the Nottinghamshire area of the UK. On paper we can technically afford this, we have okay (good?) salaries at a combined 72k and we have around 40k deposit but this will be stretching us when it comes to the monthly payments and once you factor in all other bills. This is the first house we’ll have put an offer on a house so I guess my question is - what’s an acceptable first offer that’s not too insulting? I was thinking 158k? I should probably mention we’re both first time buyers, so no chain - does that really make a difference from a sellers perspective? Many thanks :) submitted

Landlord Retaliating?

Today my landlord sent me notice via email that he is not renewing my lease. This is less than a month before the lease ends, and the lease is rollover to another year. In the lease it states he must notify me via certified or hand delivered letter. But really, it's his reasoning that is suspect. I love my space and have taken good care of it. When I moved in, he complained that the last tenant did not tell him about needed repairs, and told me to do so. So, I did. Sometimes he would respond defensively and I would remind him that he told me to share these things with him. Otherwise I wouldn't have. In the email, he wrote: "In light of all the issues you have with the cottage, most all of which I do take seriously, I’ve come to a difficult decision that will have a negative bearing on us both, but admittedly more so on you. I wish it wouldn’t be so, but it can’t be helped. Your lease expires on August 31st and after a lot of thought, I’ve decided not to renew it. I don’

The New Western Acquisition Real estate

I just got an offer from New Western, a real estate wholesale company. Has anyone here worked there before? What should I know about the company? Would you recommend it? Also, if I generate leads while working there, will I be able to use them if I decide to leave? Thanks! submitted by /u/XNCOMEV [link] [comments] source

Emergency relocation okc

Large family still recovering from 2020 debt crisis, currently in a program resolving all that. House we’ve been renting for 10 years is falling apart, in search of private lending or other assistance that isn’t direct renting so we can work on owning our own property. Have 10k deposit. submitted by /u/616Echelon [link] [comments] source

My dads property becoming mine

TL;DR I want to live where my dad currently lives (my hometown) but there’s no way I can afford it in today’s market. He will be living there whether I do or not - He will die of old age there either in the current house, or in the father-in-law suite of my house if the property becomes mine. How can I assume ownership of the property for less than the market value in a way that is fair and legal within the next 5 years? I have a 5 year plan to get back to my hometown. Do I need my name on the deed? Mortgage? Do I just buy it for under market value and get penalized in taxes? Help! I would like to move back to my hometown (I currently live across the country.) The thing is, since I left, my town specifically and towns around it have become a very desirable, up-and-coming place. It’s one of those places on the “fastest growing cities” lists. For the sake of privacy, I won’t say where, but the area is exploding and people are moving in from all around the US. People with money. The wea

Sell house before 2 years of ownership?

I’m a first time home buyer who inherited 50% of a house in CA and bought out the other half through refinancing. I put a good amount of money into fixing the house up (around $150,000) because it was pretty beat up after 40 years, I also turned the garage into a junior ADU. I’m getting low on cash and am unsure what to do next. Construction was a lot more than expected and took a lot longer as well. I decided I’d rather move to another state and buy a cheaper home cash and forgo a mortgage. I’d like to put the house on the market as soon as possible but I won’t hit the two year capital gains requirement until March 2025. It’ll cost me about $30,000 till March in mortgage and property taxes. I have about $600,000 equity in the home and with the $150,000 in improvements puts me at around $750,000 equity, my mortgage has about $428K left on it. I’m curious what the taxes would be if I sold before the two year mark and if it’s worth to sell it now or wait until March of 2025? The home is

Falsified Form 17

If you purchased a home that both the sellers and their broker (who is their son) presented blatantly false attestations to the condition of the septic system and land use zoning, neglected to disclose the collapsed leach field by using a disreputable company to conceal the fact, and didn’t even include a familial contact disclosure, what would you do? Oh, and they also lied about a billionaire developer putting in some Urban Growth next door, where the wetland they failed to disclose the actuality of a buffer for sits. Thoughts? submitted by /u/No_Statistician3624 [link] [comments] source

I've had it with my neighbor! In NY. selling costs and purchasing costs approximately?

Life is too short. I'm tired of the insurance claims and legally fighting neighbor, which is a store. Seriously thinking of selling my home that I've lived in all my life. The original plan was stay in NY until retirement which is less than 7 years away, and move south. The insanity I have been dealing with as of late, just isn't worth it anymore. Defeated. I'm focusing strictly on the financials, to see how we can do this. Our house should sell for $225k. Maybe a little more. In NY how much will we clear? And then the part we dread, buying. From a quick search, I'm guessing that we will be looking at least $300K for similar quality home to what we have, probably a little smaller in a different neighborhood. Finding something looks to be impossible. How much does it cost to buy a $300k house, assuming we can find one in in market? Where we are right now.... $45k left on our home equity line which has extremely low rate. Taxes are about $4500/yr. So essentially

Real Estate in Greece?

We are from the USA, searching for home on one of these beautiful islands. Either 4 beds and 3 baths OR 3 beds and 2 baths. Ideally the house will have privacy, natural lighting, tall ceilings, a balcony with space for a small garden, a view (preferably an ocean view!) $350k-$450k. submitted by /u/Unusual_Ad724 [link] [comments] source

Condo in a tower

I'm in Vegas and considering purchasing a condo on the strip. The condo is in a tower but I'm worried that the tower might one day get sold and demolished. Would I have a say or would I just be out of luck looking for a new home? submitted by /u/Apprehensive_Spell88 [link] [comments] source

Refinance Headaches with Title Company

Good day everyone! Location: Hawaii We’re currently refinancing our home, supposed to close on Saturday 7/6/24. Currently on the original deed and title are my parents, husband, and myself. My mom passed away last year. We are joint tenants on deed and title. The situation is that we received an email from the title company demanding a copy of Petition to Note Death of my mom. We have already provided them a certified death certificate. Going through with a Petition to Note Death will at least take 2 weeks and that’s on the Land Court side, it can take another few weeks to record on the side of Bureau of Conveyances as they are two separate bodies here in Hawaii. My questions are: Shouldn’t the official death certificate be enough? Shouldn’t the refinance fix the removal of mom on the title? As joint tenants, doesn’t her share automatically move to the remaining tenants which is my dad, me, and husband? I’m not understanding why the title company is putting through the wringer.

Billionaires buying up thousands of hectares for Solar are driving up prices past Tagaytay!

Prime Investment Opportunity: 4-Hectare Farm Lot with Stunning Mountain and Ocean Views Near Tagaytay Special Services for Chinese Investors: We provide escrow services to ensure secure transactions. Assistance with moving money via cryptocurrency or other means. Chinese-speaking attorney available to assist with all legal matters. Discover a unique investment opportunity just 2-3 hours from Manila (soon to be 1.5 hours with a new expressway)! This 4-hectare farm lot offers: Panoramic mountain and ocean views Ideal for a retreat, training center, or large house Fully titled, ready to build, with newly approved road access Recent improvements including fencing, engineering reviews, and utilities (water, electricity, mobile internet, WiFi, security cameras, and automatic solar lights) Additional Features: 2 greenhouses, aquaponics system, vegetable garden Chicken coops for 50 birds, goat house for 30 goats 2 worker buildings, 1 concrete toilet and sh