Hello /r/RealEstate , Our client Alfred (I'm using fictional names and fictional countries) is a real estate agent in Albania. He is very new in the space, he has no customers, he's only just starting. He has a couple of ideas to start the business, but for the time being he has no customers, so nothing for sale, nothing for rent, nothing to offer. He intends to approach a large real estate agent in a neighboring country, for example Bart in Bulgaria (Albania and Bulgaria aren't neighbors, but it's fictional). This is an established company, they have been in business for decades, they have sales, customers, employees, etc. The idea is for Alfred to ask Bart if he is interested to open a branch office in Alfred's country, Albania. There are a number of advantages: - our client, Alfred in Albania, can use the well known name from Bart in Bulgaria, the established realtor in his country, it will give Alfred more "credibility" - Bart's company in Bu...