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Showing posts from February, 2022

Real Estate Surveying

I would like to rephrase a question I previously made. Would there be any instance where any real estate profession and a land surveyor would be working together (directly or indirectly) ? submitted by /u/Realjakeparks [link] [comments] source

Alternative properties

Long-time lurker, first-time poster. TL/DR: look outside of the usual for unusual deals. This is my personal experience in the past, so obviously prices have changed but the principle remains the same. I spent the first 20 years of my adult-ish life getting high, so when I suddenly found myself in need of an actual home {baby, yikes!} traditional areas of credit weren't available to me, as 'credit score' wasn't high on my list of priorities during the traditional credit building years, so to speak. So I decided that like King Moonracer (from the movie Rudolph the red nosed reindeer) who oversaw the Island of Misfit Toys, I'd seek out the unloved and unwanted properties, as the sellers were desperate to unload them and so willing to consider offers that nicer properties wouldn't dream of. My first place in 2006 was a 1970s mobile home/house trailer on 1/2 acre lot in a neighborhood of houses in a very nice suburban city. The for sale sign that was so old and f...

Questions for those who believe there will be a market correction?

What do you believe will be the catalyst for the correction? A recession where list jobs/incomes will cause a sell off? Investors not receiving rental returns they expect so they leave the market? Something else? When do you think the correction will happen? Will it be quick, or more of a slow process? submitted by /u/HeatherAnne1975 [link] [comments] source

Need advice about buying a home with a tenant living in unpermitted rental unit

This is in Los Angeles, CA. The tenant has been living on this property for over 10 years and due to Covid hasn't paid rent for the last 2 years. I do want to evict him, but with it being unpermitted and Covid laws protecting him I have no idea what my options would be. The home is really nice and a great price, so if possible I want to make it work. submitted by /u/MasisB [link] [comments] source

Need advice about buying a condo whose exterior has gone into disrepair due to mismanagement of funds by former hoa management and which has gone into new management two years ago.

I'm trying to understand the risks involved in buying a condo. The unit itself is in great condition but the exterior looks pretty bad. There is pretty bad wood rot on exterior panels, some other units had flooding problems, and some of the balconies of other units had to be replaced entirely recently. I walked around to talk to current residents to figure out what was going on. Turns out the previous hoa management got sued two years ago for mismanaging funds and not having reserves to make repairs. Residents say that the new management is making repairs and that things look much better than they did a couple of years ago. No one seemed to be running away from their units--they only had nice things to say. This despite hoa recently asking for a one time due of $30k from each resident to make repairs--I heard a rumor that they will ask for $15k more soon. If the hoa actually makes all the repairs, I can see the value of the unit going up by $150k, and the one time payment/due is t...

How costly a Home Inspection can be?

What does it cost to get a house inspected? Purchasing a new home is a significant financial commitment. A house inspection may appear to be an unnecessary expense in most cases. But it's worth it to call a Home Inspection Company . ​ How much would a house inspection set you back? The cost of a house inspection varies and is typically determined by various factors such as the home's size, age, and location. Home inspections in the United States typically cost between $300 and $500. If the home includes additional features such as a septic system, barns, or private wells, the inspection price may rise. If termites or ants are found, home inspectors will charge extra. In most circumstances, they will charge you more for a bug check because it is a more time-consuming process. ​ When your inspection is finished, what should you do? Almost every sales contract stipulates that the buyer has the right to cancel the transaction if the inspection reveals defects. If the inspe...

Appraisal came back same as offer

My appraisal came back from the bank and it’s exactly the same as my offer down to the dollar. I am suspicious that this was planned, but am wondering if that really affects me? Is there anything I should be worried about? Does it make any difference to me if the appraisal comes back the same, less or more? submitted by /u/PlatformOk2658 [link] [comments] source

VA Loan Came back as Tidewater

Greetings, Liking the protection of the Veteran so far under the VA Loan. Sellers market, substantially offered an appraisal gap coverage on a 45 y.o. SFH we liked along with a competitive price, and contract was accepted. Inspection was comprehensive showed substantial faults, safety issues plus a long list of lesser repairs and basically gives me the impression the sellers did zero maintaining since their purchase a few years ago. Seller listed the house at over 26% more by square footage than we found out later, as recognized by the county tax assessor, so it’s kinda obvious the home did not appraise well. VA Appraisal officially came back under appraisal. What are my options? We like the property, area etc. but are we OK to walk away due to the Tidewater condition, sellers dishonesty about the sq footage, and conditions noted by the inspection, or does the previous appraisal gap coverage have major bearing. Will I need to go through the motions on negotiation with the seller...

Where would be the cheapest place in the US to buy a huge amount of undeveloped land?

I am an avid mountain biker, and one of my more far-fetched dreams is to open a full on giant mountain bike resort. These types of places already exist, it's not a new concept. I would just open up a new one with a bunch of fun trails, my own personal touches, and maybe allow vendors to set up shops and sell the latest gadgets. Now, I understand there are prime real-estate spots, etc. but lets say I wasn't worried about that and just wanted a crap ton of undeveloped land for as cheap as possible, anywhere in the US, something like 5-10 square miles of undeveloped land. How much would it cost? Where (location wise) would be the cheapest place to buy it? Realistically that would be too much for me to buy myself of course so I would have to find investors. Investors would say "location location location. You need things such as places to eat, sleep, other activities such as kayaking for the kids, etc. so you would also have to open hotels, restaurants, this isn't rolle...

What are my chances in getting a mortgage loan

So I spoke with the mortgage lender the other day and they mentioned in order to move forward and approve the mortgage loan I need the following; 2 most recent bank statements 30 days worth of paystubs 2 most recent W-2 Here’s my dilema, I just opened a new bank account so I don’t have much history. I do have 30days worth of paystub so that won’t be a problem. As far as W2, I’m able to get just last years W2 but since I was out on FMLA it’s going to be below my actual salary. The year before that I was a consultant and didn’t get a 1099 because of my tax classification and no I haven’t filed a tax return yet but I will eventually. Question: with the information stated above how difficult would it be for the underwriter to approve me for a mortgage loan? considering Good credit above 700 score? Thanks I’m advance submitted by /u/F4TROCKET [link] [comments] source

What are things I should know about when buying a home?

I live by myself and to be honest, I’m tired of wasting my money on rent. How much do I need saved up before buying a home? I make about 40K/year so I’m not looking to buy a home greater than 200K. I just don’t know where to start. My lease for my apartment ends in June. The only debt I have is for my car and student loans (which is almost paid off but I would like to keep it active since that’s the longest credit history I have and paying it off will lower my credit score by a smidge). submitted by /u/Jollymoose1 [link] [comments] source

What happens to apartment complexes after they go old enough to be considered not livable?

This maybe a weird question but i always wondered what happens to the apartment complexes and societies when they cross a sudden age (like 60+ years) what happens to the people who own the apartment?. submitted by /u/why_bhav [link] [comments] source

Inspection contingency and seller's right to cure

After an inspection, when the contract is written with a right to cure, can buyers insist on sellers curing items noted in the inspection, but not listed as defects? What happens if the buyer, instead of providing a notice of defects, chooses to negotiate through amendments but does not accept seller's negotiations by the stated timeline (in Wisconsin)? submitted by /u/learn2day [link] [comments] source

How should I negotiate compensating my agent for his commission upon his request?

I’m happy that my agent was able to help me get a really good deal on this house I absolutely love. I was able to get the home way under asking price for this home. I buying this for my second flip. However, my agent told me had to give his 1% of commission to the seller to help them with their closing costs and make this deal happen. Agent asked me if I can compensate him. Of course, I’m more than happy to. But how much should I, is the question? I know that this won’t be my last time doing business with my agent. I’m in a dilemma if I should negotiate compensation with him, even though a lot of people tell me I should negotiate. The house is $800k. And I’m just starting off in the business, $8k is a lot for me too. But initially, if the seller had accepted my offer at $800k, they were going to make me pay for their closing costs of about $40k. Which meant purchase price would be at $840k. So I was thinking maybe $8k isn’t that bad. But maybe I can negotiate. What are your guys th...

As a new investor in the flip business, when should I start an LLC?

I’m incredibly grateful and blessed that I successfully bought and sold my first flip. I’m currently working on purchasing my second property. I would like to know when I should start an LLC. I don’t understand why my tax advisor suggested me to wait. I’m wondering is it because I should find a different CPA to work with me or what.. submitted by /u/steviesesh [link] [comments] source

Parent is our realtor / Commission issue

My mother is our realtor for our first house. We are buying a house for $650,000. She said she would give us $2k as a house warming gift. Is it weird that she’s collecting the commission fully and only giving us back $2k? She did show us houses over a course of 5 months that she had found and we also found during our independent search, and we ended up going with a new build house (a lager company is building it) that she found. She has been really helpful so I think she should get commission but not sure how much, since this is for family. submitted by /u/External-Anybody-944 [link] [comments] source

Am I guaranteed the house? (California)

So I put in an offer for a house a few weeks ago but another offer was accepted. Turns out that deal fell apart and the contract will be cancelled in a few days. So the seller and I both signed the Back Up Offer (BUO) Addendum with it stating that I am back up offer #1. So assuming the seller’s original agreement gets cancelled, am I guaranteed the right to buy the house? No one can cut in front of me right? The only way I could lose this house is either if the original transaction goes through, or if the seller takes their house of the market? Thank you for the advice. submitted by /u/underpasspunk [link] [comments] source

VENT: Do any other homebuyers feel like idiots?

We’d been planning for years to buy a vacation home in summer 2020. With the uncertainty associated with the pandemic, we decided to push is off another year. Then again in spring 2021 we decided to hold off on buying anything because prices were so high, and clearly they could not get any higher /s. We finally decided that this truly was the right time for our family to have a vacation home and did not want to wait much longer before my daughter got older. So I looked in the fall and ignored so many perfectly good affordable good homes looking for the “perfect” home. After getting outbid on so many perfect homes, homes I could have afforded last fall are now out of my price range. Either I lower my standards and buy something now, but given Murphy’s Law and my track record, I’m sure that prices will immediately start falling. Or if I decide to put the search on hold, prices will continue to climb and a decent home will be unattainable. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. But I h...

Are the huge and fast price increases on homes making anyone else pause?

I'm in the market for a house and every time I look at the price history it makes me pause. For example a house that I'm looking at is currently on the market for 1.2M, it last sold in 2020 for 575K and in 2017 for 425K. How did that happen (yeah I know how it happened but what!?) Another house I looked at that's listed at 979K was sold for 550k in 2020 and for 389K in 2018. Does this make anyone else pause when they look at the market? It just seems like a potential house of cards and people keep putting their homes back on the market quickly to cash out the fast equity. submitted by /u/ProfessionalSmoke296 [link] [comments] source

New Jersey boom

I realize the market is skewed toward sellers everywhere, but realistically is it possible to find and close on a home in 3 months in north NJ? We are looking to move no further south than Middlesex County and no further west than Morris County, so made our area range as broad as we could. Our house went under contract in just 2 days with a full cash offer, which is great. However, we have been looking and offering to no avail for the last month. I’ve even waived appraisal and inspection on some homes with strong and higher than listing offers and we’re still getting beaten. I guess I’m wondering if it’s worth it to continue? Our home sale is contingent on finding our new home by June 1st. So we necessarily wouldn’t lose our home but we lose time and this is extremely emotionally challenging, not to mention there are a lot of people who are working hard and I wouldn’t want it to be for nothing. We also have an infant at home and I think that is making me ponder this decision even hard...

Property Tax Issues on a New Home Purchase

Hello all, hoping I can get some guidance here on this situation I find my wife and I in. We are currently in contract for a home in NY where we were told by the seller's agent at the time of viewing (he himself had stated he verified the taxes were correct on the listing) and through MLS that the taxes would be under $8,000 without any sort of exemption. The title search just came back which found the taxes are actually higher than what we were initially told (around $1200). We believe this is a misrepresentation of the taxes because we checked public records for the home and found the 2022 taxes had updated prior to the house going up for sale. When we tried to bring this up to our attorney to try to get the purchase price lowered, their response was that the Seller's attorney will probably argue that we, the buyers have a responsibility to do our due diligence and look into the taxes ourselves since it's public information. I believe that we, the buyers expected to b...

Weichert Warranty—worth it or scam?

Basically in the title. We are buying a home and seller is offering a warranty. I believe it is for a year and covers (or partially covers) repairs or replacements for appliances sold with the home amongst other things. Is this something anyone has benefited from? submitted by /u/StreetMaize508 [link] [comments] source

I'm planning to be a real estate agent. I'm still planning on what should i take in the future. An engineer, entrepreneur or a real estate agent. I'm currently on 9th grade

According to my research, real estate agents sell homes but how can NEW real estate agents like real estate agents that just graduated from college. How can they have any money to make houses to sell? Or do they need to find another job first to make money? submitted by /u/carvousol69 [link] [comments] source

Irshads property | retail property for sale | Commercial retail space for lease

<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Irshads Property is a team of experienced professionals who will help you find retail property for sale for your business and commercial space for lease in Bangalore. submitted by /u/Irshadproperty [link] [comments] source

First time buyer help

Hello Everyone, I’m looking to purchase my first home, I’ve been to the bank and I’m approved and have a nice deposit, I’m viewing a property tommorow that I’m quite interested in but the agent wants the property to go to auction, should I make a pre auction bid or ??? Any help would be much appreciated Thanks submitted by /u/JCalaisv8 [link] [comments] source

Building time?

Hey guys, I got approved for a construction loan and I'm curious what you'd guy say, is it still a good time to build? The markets a bit sketchy at the moment and with everything going on with Urkaine/Russia is lingering my mind, what's your opinion? submitted by /u/No_Gur_1147 [link] [comments] source

Would a dip in 10-year treasury mean mortgage interest rates may trend down due to current events?

Closing on a new construction house that will be completed by late March. We were pre-qualified with several lenders. We ended up locking an interest rate on a 30-year fixed about 2 weeks ago. I see that due to recent news, the 10-year treasury has dipped, even lower to what it was on day we locked in our rate. If the 10-year treasury continues to decrease, would be safe to assume that mortgage rates may reverse a little bit upcoming days/weeks? If so, would it be better to try to re-lock with another lender since we still have time? submitted by /u/msgidol [link] [comments] source

Effects of war

Haven't been around long enough to know how Russia's invasion is going to affect the real estate market in the US. I was looking to buy more investment properties but rising interest rates have given me a slight pause. Now I'm kind of frozen. What are some possible scenarios? submitted by /u/vatoniolo [link] [comments] source

Im working a full time job but want to try it in the real estate agent bussiness. 8 to 4 Job, it there anything you would recommend to me, can I work on this on the side until I can commit full time? It is possible to be selftaught and opet up a agency and grow it slowly?

submitted by /u/assassassinationass [link] [comments] source

Do I really need a realtor agent?

Sorry if this is a dumb question, I’m a first time buyer and I’m wondering do I really need a realtor? Or can I go straight and find lenders to offer me a good interest rate and loan and then start looking for a house? It seems like most realtor won’t even help if they think you might not qualify or that they can find another serious client. Please give me your opinion I would appreciate it. submitted by /u/Successful_Army4210 [link] [comments] source

Need a reality check on market for SoCal sellers

My condo has been on the market for a week. We're in a quite desirable area, the place is in good shape (though upgrades throughout the home vary & everything's not sparkling new), it's spacious, private, etc. For the most part I love living there & we're only moving because we had a second child. Many I've talked to (others who sold recently, acquaintances involved in real estate) predicted we'd get multiple offers & sell immediately. That's not happened, & the feedback I'm getting from our real estate agent is so strange/unexpected I'm starting to wonder if she's trustworthy. She says she's been disappointed by the activity (including open house attendance/showings) & she's pushing us to accept what she says is our only (all-cash) offer -- a bit over asking but less than we wanted/expected. She's suddenly more doomsday about the market, saying rising interest rates/the stock market/global situation may be makin...

Direct Mail Campaign (in order to purchase a property) Advice

My family is looking to move to a new city soon and with housing prices the way they are I thought sending out a targeted direct mail campaign may be worth doing in order to find a house for us to purchase/live in. In order to do this, I wrote a program to download/scrape all the relevant property characteristics into Excel from the county (area, bedrooms, bathrooms, etc.) and now I am at the point where I need to start designing/writing the letter. Any advice for doing this? How can I make it more personable? Should I include a photo of us? Clipart? A postcard or letter? Thanks! submitted by /u/BeanThinker [link] [comments] source

Receive Tenant Rent Payments and Enter in Quickbooks Desktop

I've been using Quickbooks Desktop for decades and it's become a PITA to enter rent receipts (enter 1 company/building; close file, open next building/company file and repeat). I'm ready to allow my tenant to pay electronically (ACH, debit card, CC, etc.), but I haven't been able to find a solution that will get those payments automatically entered into QB. Does anyone have a solution for me? Thank you! submitted by /u/josephny1 [link] [comments] source

Just launched a real estate marketing business...could use help.

I just opened a real estate marketing business...Photography, aerial, and videography. I also live in a rural state where everyone is moving to and people aren't happy about it. I'm thinking about offering some kind of an "in-state" incentive where I partner with local real estate professionals to give incentive for locals to buy property instead of the hedge funds buying up all the property. Any ideas? submitted by /u/MyNameIsMud406 [link] [comments] source

What are the negatives of buying a house on a slanted road?

For some reason in this area there are a lot of houses for sale, and these ones on a slant are relatively cheaper compared to houses built on non slanted roads. This is the house ^ It is barely slanted and its on the corner of the street but i was just wondering if there are any bad effects of buying on a slanted road like this, I googled it and nothing came up. submitted by /u/56nights_tips [link] [comments] source

New Agent

I had been working with a Realtor for 1 year and he helped me with a lender. I just got my Real Estate agent license recently, my question is can he still be the listing agent for my house? What if a client of mine wants to put in an offer on my house? I can list the house myself but I felt bad, since he is helping me a lot. TIA submitted by /u/Forward_Ranger2208 [link] [comments] source

Buying new vs buying used? Pros and cons?

My bf and I are currently looking to purchase our first home in Orlando area, and we both are very against idea of having to do too much work on an out dated home in terms of interior design and repairs, so were only interested in homes that has already been remodeled. But we’re also inclined to purchase under constructed homes not yet built in developing areas since we like the idea of the home (hopefully) being in good shape and having the more modern amenities. We understand it may be a bit more expensive, however we justify it with knowing that no repairs will have to be made anytime soon (again, hopefully.) I’d like outside and experienced opinions of purchasing an already built (but fixed up) used home vs brand new. Besides the convenience of not have to stress over fixing it up to appeal to our styles and not having to worry about repairs, we’d like to know if purchasing new comes with its own set of cons that we may not know or see vs purchasing already built and owned. su...

Beginner realtor wants to approach an established real estate agency, how?

Hello /r/RealEstate , Our client Alfred (I'm using fictional names and fictional countries) is a real estate agent in Albania. He is very new in the space, he has no customers, he's only just starting. He has a couple of ideas to start the business, but for the time being he has no customers, so nothing for sale, nothing for rent, nothing to offer. He intends to approach a large real estate agent in a neighboring country, for example Bart in Bulgaria (Albania and Bulgaria aren't neighbors, but it's fictional). This is an established company, they have been in business for decades, they have sales, customers, employees, etc. The idea is for Alfred to ask Bart if he is interested to open a branch office in Alfred's country, Albania. There are a number of advantages: - our client, Alfred in Albania, can use the well known name from Bart in Bulgaria, the established realtor in his country, it will give Alfred more "credibility" - Bart's company in Bu...

LLC Questions

My parents are located in CA and I'm trying to assist them in forming an LLC for their rental properties; however, I do not have any experience myself. I have some questions: 1) Is there anything special they have to do if they have a mortgage? 2) How many property per LLC is allowed, and how many do people usually do? 3) Is there a specialist that can assist us through the process and what are they called? 3a) What are some good places to look for the specialist? 4) Do they have to create a new rental agreement under the LLC name, or do any extra legal work with tenant? ​ Any other tips to look out for would also be appreciated. Thanks! submitted by /u/lclankyo [link] [comments] source

Does a home extension cause floor sagging

I noticed most homes in my area are built 1920-1930s. Most are small and have an odd layout for its living room. Most of the homes have the back wall opened up to create an open concept family room extending to the kitchen. I reckon the extensions were done 10-15-20yrs ago. And I noticed most of these homes have slightly sagging 2nd floors that are close to the backwall that was taken out. Is the sagging caused by the home extension? I noticed smaller homes that did not have any additions/extensions had level second floors… submitted by /u/cocojam88 [link] [comments] source

Help… lender won’t close on REFI

My broker won’t give close my loan on a refi. Long story short we started the refi process in November and supposed to close in December at 2.875% on 30 yr refi with cash out 70%. We had all initial disclosures and loan estimate signed NOT LOCKED. Then proceeded to tell him to close and he said by December. Come end of December and he said it needs to push out and then said we were locked in verbally but never send any docs or emails. I called his associate who is working for him saying it was never locked in but waiting for the market to shift. Then he kept pushing out due to issues on his side, then again, again, and again. Kept saying his team needed to complete tasks, etc. all kinds of issues, one being he got Covid, then something else’s, etc. Now rates are sky high and I called him out on what was going on. He said he’s now doing it wholesale and not making a penny. He’s got to go into this other system that’s not his to get the disclosures and LE showing locked. I think he...

Are Toll Brothers really as bad as some people say?

Hey guys, I am looking at houses in Georgia and Toll Brothers is huge in this area currently. However, I am being turned off by all the comments on reddit about them. Some of them are stating they love their Toll Brothers house, but a staggering 90%+ are stating they're horrible. However, any builder I look into the reviews on reddit are the same, meaning they're extremely negative. So my question to you guys is this, are these reviews truthful? Should I even be considering them in my decision? Wouldn't it really come down to the contractors they hire? I plan on getting my own inspector for foundation, pre-drywall, and final to stop any issues before closing if I continue this venture. submitted by /u/Crysawn [link] [comments] source

Expectations of selling agent, am I being unreasonable?

I'm in Florida on the panhandle- Gulf coast. Trying to sell a condo. It's a very nice condo in a popular building. We signed with an agent and listed in early Jan. I should add that we actually have 2 properties to sell, and signed for both although one is not listed yet. These properties total over a million dollars in value. The market here is very strong. We are not getting many showings and it's been almost 6 weeks. And every showing from what I can tell is coming from other agents bringing their clients, our agent has not brought any clients herself. She barely contacts us, and has only done one 2 hour open house. Is this normal? Do listing agents just wait for other agents to bring them clients? Aside from one 2 hour open house I don't know of anything our agent is doing to try and sell this place. Am I being unreasonable? The broker is Caldwell Banker, and we can cancel anytime. Should we consider a different agent? Thanks in advance for any advice or insig...

Waiting on appraisal

So after 2 years my wife and I finally got a big accepted! It’s practically out forever home. 4br/3bth with a loft AND a separate office, screened in pool, and 3 car garage. Square footage comes in at 2996. I’m curious about the appraisal. Our offer was extremely aggressive we felt. 35k over asking + waiving appraisal (after 2 yrs and being beat by numerous cash deals we’d had enough essentially). List price was 425 so we went 460. Essentially we priced at $153 sq ft. There are bigger homes nearby that have sold for around our price but they lack all the features we wanted be it the pool or 3 car garage or a 4/3 with no office. This just has a great blend of all the features we wanted . The big downside is being just under 3k sq ft where the others that sold for that price were 500-700 sq ft bigger than ours. Our real estate agent and us agreed to start our bid with 455 then we upped it to 460. I’ve prepared for the appraiser to come in low but now as the the day is head my nervousn...

Any Americans living abroad use America Mortgages?

American, currently living abroad and looking for to buy an investment property in the US (AL). I've struggled to find a bank that would offer a mortgage since my income is earned abroad. I came over this mortgage broker, America Mortgages, online and I'm trying to figure out if they are reputable or not. Has anyone used their services? If anyone has any suggestions about how to get a mortgage while living abroad, I'm all ears! submitted by /u/rubyrosita [link] [comments] source

5% or 20% down in today's market?

If I'm pre-approved for $650k but can't afford a mortgage over $3100/mo, that leaves my budget with $450k homes. This is for the Dallas DFW area. High property taxes and high home insurance. Should I do 5% down or 10 or 20%? But anything less than 15% will make my mortgage $4500+/mo. Am I over leveraging myself with 20% down? We have $110k saved up. Combined household income is $200k/yr. We're DINK. I'm nervous and having the same anxiety just as you are. I'm going into the war optimistic that whatever happens I will not lower my standards into buying something where there's foundation issues, waive inspection or over bid. Just gonna be normal about the whole process. Edit: credit score 780 submitted by /u/chknchasr [link] [comments] source

Texas Buyer Agency Agreement (refund)

What is a “Texas Buyer Agency Agreement (refund)”? What are commission refunds? This was added in an offer we plan to submit, but I had never seen this form before, what’s the purpose? submitted by /u/lilkidlover2 [link] [comments] source

First time selling

I’m in a hot market (BC Canada). My house was built in 1970 and has an outdated kitchen and flooring is a tad rough but not really bad (laminate and has some scratching). 4 bedrooms. All painted and house paint is an older light beige. Trim is mixed. Linoleum downstairs has a 2 inch rip out of it. Other than that house is ok. Outside is a bit ugly. Needs a paint job. My question is: The market is really hot. We don’t want to put much into it if we don’t have to. Should we upgrade the floors, paint and upgrade the kitchen? This would be pricy but would it add value? Is it worth it? Thanks for any advice on making out home more valuable/ appealing! submitted by /u/GrimReaper3am [link] [comments] source

Will Russia/Ukraine impact US real estate market?

This might be a dumb question, but we are putting our house otm in one month and moving from Montgomery county MD to Upstate NY. We are renting up there while we home search. I’m just nervous about being stuck in a rental while something happens overseas that effects banks or supply chains or whatever and suddenly we can’t get a loan. I might be catastrophizing. submitted by /u/kellis744 [link] [comments] source

Condo does not include parking, will that be a turn off for potential buyers?

I purchased a condo near downtown Chicago that doesn't have a deeded garage space. I have a vehicle but I park on the street (there is sufficient street parking here). Sometimes parking spots become available, but I am not sure whether I want to just drop $25k on a space when street parking typically is not an issue. I'm just curious, is this a major turnoff for potential buyers? submitted by /u/bug_muffin [link] [comments] source

How can past overdue debts affect my credit score?

Hello everybody! ​ Recently, I wanted to apply for a small loan. But I got rejected because I couldn’t pay my bills on time a couple of months ago. Well, it was a challenging year. I’ve lost my job, my wife crashed her car, and it was entirely her fault. Then we had to fix the roof because it was leaking. Of course, we used our credit card to pay for all this, including a new car. Then, when I was fired, we realized that we couldn’t cover some bills on time. ​ I’ve got dozens of letters and calls from the bank, and I had no idea what to say to them. I googled some info on what I should do in this case and obviously followed the recommendations I found there. So, I made an appointment with the bank representative and explained my situation. They told me that I have an excellent credit score, and they can turn a blind eye to the fact that I cannot repay some bills on time (for instance), and they can even freeze this debt for three months. It worked for me, and in two months, I foun...

Offer accepted on our dream home! (DFW, Texas)

EDIT: Removed company/service name I get the general feeling that this sub’s general sentiment of non-traditional real estate companies isn’t great, but i’m super thankful for them. We started our search for our next house (young married couple, bought our first home in early 2020) on Monday Feb 14th and found THE house the next day. Not only is it on a lake, extremely modern/contemporary looking, and only 3 years old, but it’s in the sweet spot location-wise between both of our families which was the primary reason we’re looking to move. We toured about 10 other homes, and none even came close. We used a company’s service, which has them put in an all cash offer on your terms for the new house, you move in once it closes, and after your old house sells on the market you buy the new home from them at the same price. I’m well aware that this will ultimately will cost us more money from the sale of our current house at closing than a traditional buy/sell process, but i’m convinced t...

Cash-out Refi

Anyone know lenders that do HELOCs on investment property condos? submitted by /u/RealEstate_Head [link] [comments] source

How do Honest agents negotiate with Dishonest/Lying agents?

Real question. How do Honest agents negotiate with Dishonest agents who outright lie. I assume you know who they are through the network of agents. Unless lying is so prevalent that there's no sense in pointing the liars out of the crowd. If one agent is just making things up (which I've come to understand happens very frequently and is to be expected) how can you have a legitimate negotiation? Seems the honest agent would be forced to start lying so their client's interests are protected. Then the whole system falls into a web of lies. Am I just naive in believing that there are any legit honest folks operating in the world of Real Estate? submitted by /u/ShaunaMalwaeTweep [link] [comments] source

Quickest way to get real estate license in CA.

Looking for the easiest and quickest way to get my license, and how to study. My mother does real estate so she can coach me thru any deals and overlook any mistakes i can/would make. Thanks in advanced. submitted by /u/Sullen_One [link] [comments] source

Buying a post and beam house from the 60s - what to know/look for?

Looking into buying a nice post and beam style house from the late sixties, in very good condition. Foundation is a concrete slab. There are few of these post and beam designs in my area as they are more reserved for custom built houses. What should I be wary of when buying a house of this design from this era? Is the exposed post and beam (big vaulted ceilings, lots of windows) design a long-lasting build type? How long is the slab foundation going to last? I would hope to stay in this house for a long time. submitted by /u/raji4858 [link] [comments] source

Terminating exclusive buyer representation agreement

A few weeks ago we signed an exclusive buyer representation agreement when we put in our first offer on a house. The offer wasn’t accepted, so we are still searching. Our property management company reached out to let us know the buyers will potentially be selling the house we rent when our lease is up, but they are offering the house to us at a price lower than what they will list it as. We cannot afford to purchase a house in the neighborhood we live in (I’ve been watching the prices in our neighborhood), so I was extremely surprised what they are asking is within our budget. We also haven’t been able to find a house with comparable square footage within our budget. Now we are considering purchasing our rental, but our lease specifically states we must use the property management companies agent in the event this occurs. What do we do in this situation since we signed the buyer representation agreement with a real estate agent already? The agreement we signed doesn’t expire until a ...

Foreign Investors

Why is it that the United States of America allows foreign investors to purchase real estate? Has there been any real push to get this abolished? This not only makes it unfair to USA citizens but also imposes a pretty concerning security risk. Thoughts? submitted by /u/killapropolis [link] [comments] source

How can I make sure the house I’m selling doesn’t go to a flipper?

I’m about to move and sell my house. It’s a 100 year old house with really pretty architectural features, but it was relatively affordable for me when I bought it because it has a super basic kitchen with linoleum counters, scratch and dent appliances etc. In the time since I bought my house, my neighborhood has gotten more desirable and the only houses on the market in surrounding blocks appear to be flipped and crazy expensive with quartz counters and all new appliances. I’m I am not rich and want to get my money back and not loose money on the realtor commission when I sell the house, but would love for it to go to an actual working person or family and not get bought by flippers to have ugly updates made and be resold for a crazy high price. How can I know who is making an offer and if it is a person who plans to live in the home or a flipper? Is there any way to know? submitted by /u/_0kra [link] [comments] source

Is it just normal to get cash offer letters?

I bought a piece of land that I want to build a house on. It is in the desert of Cali. I just got a letter that someone found me on the public record and wants to buy my land. Is that just normal that people find people with property and land on public record? Anything I can do about my address not being out there? submitted by /u/sweethomeall [link] [comments] source

[FREE eBook] How to Market Yourself and Gain Leads on Social Media

In this eBook, How to Market Yourself and Gain Leads on Social Media , you'll get information on gaining leads on social media and which platforms to use to increase clients and grow your business. Download the eBook here: submitted by /u/vanedschool [link] [comments] source

Fha appraisal

Hello, I have applied for a FHA loan, the property I applied for has a setup of a business and a house. The house is 3,300 sq ft and the business is an outbuilding with 1500 sq ft. The house has one adress, the outbuilding has a different number address under the same parcel. The house is zoned residential, the outbuilding has a special zoning as commercial but with limited use. The lot space for the house is bigger than the lot space for the outbuilding. For what I understand FHA loans allows mixed used as long as 51% or more is residential plus other details. Well, the case is the property did good with FHA appraiser with the other details except for that 51% rule. According to the lender company. The appraiser interpreted that the whole property is commercial even though zoning says contrary and there is a house. To get this interpretation he did not measure what is allowed to be used as commercial. The bank turned down the offer because the appraiser did not measure correctly ...

Should I become an agent?

I’m currently 18 and a high school senior graduating in June, and college just doesn’t seem like something I want to do. Number 1, is it possible for an 18 year old fresh out of HS to get hired as an agent, and 2, would it be something good for me to do? I have two years of sales experience under my belt and plenty of money for context. submitted by /u/dannypauling [link] [comments] source

Las Vegas valley rental inventory now at around 2680 from 500 in 2021. Would this drive down rent prices and home values?

It’s evident people are getting evicted now that Covid protections are over but there’s no media coverage on this. What do you guys think the outcome of this will be over the next 1-3 years? Feels like rent and home prices will trend down along with all the other macro and geopolitical problems recently. Wages are also now very negative adjusted to rent and mortgage inflation. Along with 1.7 million new home completions by the end of this year, the foreclosure wave that finally may hit this year, and surging interest rates, I’m not very confident buying for a few years until this plays out. submitted by /u/killpedophile [link] [comments] source

My lender shared personal info with the seller. Is that ok?

There are many details that I don’t believe matter, but the gist of it is, the lender sent me an email and cc’d the seller regarding me not having enough funds in a specific bank account. She then disclosed how much money I had in that account along with the last four of the account number to my personal bank account. It feels like a massive overstep but maybe it’s allowed? Has anyone heard of this before? What purpose could she possibly have to share that specific information? It felt almost like she was trying to embarrass me or something. Maybe I’m overreacting? submitted by /u/thirstydirt [link] [comments] source

Girlfriend wants to build a tiny home but gets paid through PayPal as a professional singer, is that a problem?

My girlfriend wants to build a 1,000 square foot tiny home in Vegas to escape the high rent and real estate prices. She has been a professional singer for 20 years and has consistently made at least 4-6k per month for years. The problem is she gets paid primarily through PayPal and her income varies from month to month, though she has almost never had a month where she made less than 4k. She was offered a very large publishing deal (Low 6 figures) recently which she could have used to pay for construction herself, but she is holding out for a better offer and it's unsure if she will accept it or not. Her credit score was 700 until last year when some medical debt knocked it down to the low 600's, but from what I understand that shouldn't count against her approval odds, right? Is it worth her trying to get a construction loan or is there little chance of approval? submitted by /u/TheNomadicAspie [link] [comments] source

Agent tools

Do all real estate listing agents typically manage their day with cloud calendar that is synchronised to some listing software calendars? In what tool do real estate listing agents typically manage their day? submitted by /u/Tight_Ad_2309 [link] [comments] source

Solar. Lease vs Buy on a new construction home in CA.

Hi all, we just signed up for a new home in CA. We are given a choice of either to lease or finance the solar from SunPower. Monthly cost for the lease is fixed $77 per month for 20 years. If we buy it, we need to pay some money down and rest can be financed with the home loan and it comes to around $55 per month. I am very new to this, so was just curious what others are doing. Is there a clear answer for this? Is one option better than the other? Do we get any tax credit or utility credit from the solar if we buy it in CA.? Any advice and info is appreciated submitted by /u/Shockstar55 [link] [comments] source

My father has rental property in Texas, since he is a US citizen and I am a NRA how does taxes work if later on I inherit the property?

I am a Mexican citizen living in Mexico but in his will the rental property he has he will pass it on to me, I heard it was a 40% inheritance tax for Non Resident Aliens? Is that correct? Are there better options like form an LLC with him and pass the rental property to the LLC, What options do I have? submitted by /u/fingerlickinggood [link] [comments] source

Issue with selling my house where step dad co signed

I bought a house in California. Step dad put in about 300k cash deposited from his account to escrow/seller Mom put in about 50k. Both told me they were gifts but we never signed anything to show it’s a “gift” and not payable back.. also didn’t sign anything saying I owe x to either Looking to sell home and will bet about 700k from it. Step dad and myself are on mortgage but my mother is 1/3rd owner on deed with my step dad and my self. Question here is- during the sale of the house, are signatures required from all 3 people? Who gets the lump pay off from bank/buyer? Me? How do I establish that I don’t owe them anything Incase one of them requests for $$ back even though they told me they wouldn’t? Thanks submitted by /u/Electronic-Reserve-4 [link] [comments] source

FHA 203K to VA Loan Refinance?

My fiance and I are looking to purchasing our first home. We already have a home in mind that is a fixer upper. The home is owned by my retired mother and she has a HELOC with ~$115k on it. Property value of identical homes on the same street go for around 250k. She wants to move back to her country of origin to live with extended family. She doesn't want the property any longer and wants to give it to me. My fiance and I were thinking it might be a good idea to go for an FHA 203k loan for the low down payment as we don't have 20% saved up yet and we could use it to pay off the HELOC for her so she can go home. We don't plan to stay long term and want to move to another state within a couple of years. Would it be feasible to refinance with a VA loan for the $0 down after 6 months? Our line of thinking is: $115k loan / pay off HELOC for mother so she can go home in peace After repairs appraisal to ~$250k for equity Refinance for $0 down/no more PMI Sell for close to s...

FTHB - Offer was accepted! Any major concerns on the inspection report?

Hi Y'all, I'm a long time lurker and FTHB who has finally gotten an offer accepted after almost a year of actively searching and bidding on homes. The inspection was completed yesterday and the inspector said the house was in really good condition for it's age (1960), but I wanted to ask if there are any red flags or deal breakers from your perspective. There were plenty of minor issues that I feel confident I can personally resolve over time but I want to make sure I'm not getting in over my head for issues that will require an expert to solve. Below are what I consider the more major issues so please let me know if you have any advice or feedback! Recommend getting tree specialist to evaluate trees around home to ensure safety of home. There is one tree in back yard leaning pretty bad. Recommend to have evaluated. Wood fascia and soffit are rotting on back of home and needs replaced. The roofing is older material (estimated age is less than twenty years) and is ...