My language is a bit clumsy here, because these are terms I usually only discuss in German. My partner and I are looking to buy an apartment to move into. We both prefer the look and feel of apartments in houses with fewer units rather than more, but she is worried that if we owned one of, say, 3 units, the owners of the other two would form a coalition and outvote us if we want to do anything that requires their consent or cooperation. She has been told by her parents that it's much better to have one unit of many. I've been told by my parents, though, that it's much better to have a unit of few, because you have a more tight-knit community and you don't need to convince as many people, if you want anything done. We both feel strongly about this, and I want to know now, if anyone has any relevant perspectives to share. What do you think? (Also, is this issue overly specific to Germany? I honestly don't know how these things are done other places.) submitted by...