I tore up some old vinyl sheet flooring (house was built in 75) and put down laminate about 5 years ago. I removed half the old flooring and left the other half and just laid the laminate over. I never tested it for asbestos, although in hindsight I probably should have but I was a first time homeowner and knew nothing. Now I’m trying to sell the house and wondering if I have to test in order to let the buyers know. If they end up purchasing and there is asbestos, could I be liable for not testing since some could argue that it would have been the reasonable thing to do? I really don’t wanna test now because it would mean tearing up some of the laminate floor and to be honest I’m worried it could devalue the house if there turns out to be asbestos. submitted by /u/TheDENN1Ssystem [link] [comments] source https://www.reddit.com/r/RealEstate/comments/j32o0b/am_i_obligated_to_test_for_asbestos_after_tearing/