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Showing posts from August, 2024

Sisters buying together pros/cons

My sister currently lives out of state with her long-term (10 years) bf. They are planning on coming back to our home state to be closer to family. We've been floating the idea of the 4 of us getting a house together. Her and bf are 30 y/o, no kids and no plans on having kids. Me and my fiance currently have an apartment together,we are both 28. Our combined yearly income for the 4 of us is 220,000. My fiance and I don't currently have children but we do plan on having 2-3. Part of the reason my sister wants to move back is because she wants to be closer to help out with the wedding and when I start having kids. We're not planning on them movig out when we get married/have kids and just want to live together as a family unit. Not sure if others have had a similar experience that can speak on the pros/cons? Any advice is greatly appreciated! submitted by /u/ImmediateDay3046 [link] [comments] source

Modern appartments and insulation

So I visited few appartments as prospective buyer and the modern ones are all nice and shiny, but they all have much better insulation than older appartments built in the 80s or before, and in these new well insulated energy efficient appartment I dont feel too comfortable, it's hard to pinpoint, but I feel like in a big vacuum flask, like there is less air circulation. Do have similar vibes moving from old to newly built appartment? The fact that these well insulated homes have less windows doesnt help either. Currently I live in a brick building from 1930 and it feels much nicer. submitted by /u/VegetableArea [link] [comments] source

My realtor gave seller the wrong offer..

I don’t know how to start this but it has been stressful! But here goes, my partner and I saw this house asking price 170,000 and we loved it so we offer $1000 over the highest bid maxed 175,000! Our realtor told us to reconsider and recommend 185,000 and seller pay $5,500 closing cost! So we reconsider thinking our offer is $1000 over the highest bid maxed 185,000 and seller pays $3,500 closing cost. The seller accepted our offer Well our realtor told seller offer is 185,000 and seller pays $3,500. So I’m paying 185,000 and not $1000 over the highest bid which we still down know how much that is because the seller won’t disclose that. Now, it’s been at least 6 days during our 30 day til closing. I talked to my realtor about it and she apologized to me but I want a solution and what we can do about it! She did not give me any solution so I told her to let the seller know about it and see if they reconsider it. It’s only been a day after that talk with my realtor, but my realtor tol

Seller Repairs

After the home inspection, we submitted a list of repairs we were asking the seller to make. They signed it pretty quickly (within a day or two). Yesterday, we went for a walk through with our agent and the home inspector to inspect repairs. All of them were completed except 1. The property has a large pole barn with a heavy, commercial overhead door. It lacks an auto-reverse sensor and we had asked that be installed. Again, the sellers signed on for this repair. The seller is claiming the manufacturer told him you can't put one on this type of door. Our agent called and the manufacturer said you absolutely can, but it's quite expensive (around $2500). What should we do here? Our closing is in 6 days and we don't want to delay closing. Plus, admittedly, I feel bad. When we sent the list of repairs, we were pretty sure everything would be less than $2000 total, so this is way more expensive than we (and most likely the sellers) expected. Our agent is adamant that the sell

Made the mistake of looking at new builds without a realtor

In short, my wife and I got a bit too excited and started checking out model homes in the area on our own. We're both first-time buyers so we had no idea that visiting a model home by ourselves would disqualify us from using a realtor with that builder in subsequent visits. Is it still possible to hire an attorney so that we have someone on our side and aren't going into this process completely on our own? We are pretty set on new construction only and we likely won't be getting pre-qualified or making any lot deposits until the new year. submitted by /u/nvUaWVm360S [link] [comments] source

Do I need a license to remodel houses/properties in California?

I've searched online for an answer but nothing is clear. Do I need a license to remodel properties in California? Some sources say I need a contractors license, but I don't see why I would if I would be hiring contractors. Also, if you have any resources or know of any mentors who teach the business side of real estate, I would love some direction. I have no experience in real estate investment yet, but I'm looking to eventually become a developer. submitted by /u/reddit_PART2 [link] [comments] source

How to Find a Leak in a Metal Roof? : Guide to ensure Roof safety in Texas

Metal roofs are prized for their durability, longevity, and sleek appearance, making them a popular choice for both commercial and residential properties in Texas. However, like any roofing material, metal roofs can develop leaks over time. Identifying and addressing these leaks promptly is crucial to prevent extensive damage. In this blog, we will guide you through the process of finding a leak in a metal roof and discuss how to manage it effectively, with insights into when to contact a professional roofing contractor in Texas . 1. Understanding the Causes of Metal Roof Leaks Before diving into how to find a leak, it’s important to understand what might cause it. Metal roof leak’s Common causes include: Loose or Missing Fasteners : Over time, the fasteners that secure your metal roof may become loose or fall out, creating openings for water to seep through. Damaged Seams : The seams where metal panels join together are vulnerable to leaks, especially if the sealant has worn off

Here to help

Hey guys, recently I've been seeing alot of posts with people struggling to sell their homes after recently buying and the comments telling them they're screwed either way they go about it. There are actually a lot of different ways to get out of a home without taking a loss on it. I just wanted to post this here so others can post their problems below and get solutions from experienced individuals. Reach out if you guys need any help and good luck with everything! submitted by /u/Comprehensive-Art568 [link] [comments] source

Can I as a buyer pay the seller's agent real estate commission instead of it being taken from the purchase price? (CA)

The commission for the sellers agent is close to 50k. Property taxes are based on purchase price and are around 1.1% of the purchase price. That's a saving of 550 per year. The net to the seller stays the same and the commission for the agent stays the same. Buyer agent will get paid separately as well. submitted by /u/ikarumba123 [link] [comments] source

How to Find Abandoned Airports for Sale

I am looking to buy an abandoned airport in Europe. I hope to find one that still has its hangars and other stuff left. However, I am not sure how to go about searching for an abandoned airport. If anyone has any ideas/suggestions on how to find such real estate that would be great. Thanks! submitted by /u/No-Layer-6628 [link] [comments] source

84 year old pensioner sells his home. What next in best?

If an Australian 84 year old pensioner sells his home, (and moves in with me paying board) an amount above the threshold for a single pensioner that will affect his pension at $3 per thousand, should he put money into an annuity that is designed to reduce his lump sum payable to 1/3 after 3 years and then zero after 4 years? Does the $30K annual payments get transferred to a benefactor of his will up to the 16 years mentioned in the annuity? Be aware I am the benefactor. And I see he would still have a single pension up to a certain amount, i.e. instead of $1,100 a fortnight it would be reduced to around $750. I believe he should buy a property, rent it out to supplement his loss in his pension. submitted by /u/Some_Wheel [link] [comments] source

I need help figuring out all my options

I bought a small house that sits on .5 acres of land. My family and I have definitely outgrown the house and would like a bigger house. We would love to make use of the land we do have, but given that we have a current loan on the home, what would be our best option if we do want to build a home? Is there a type of loan we can probably qualify for that could possibly combine the 2 mortgages? Is there a program that I am currently unaware that could help us in this case? Selling the house and moving is an option but I would hate to give up on the piece of property we do have. Please help. Thank you. submitted by /u/pestymastermind11 [link] [comments] source

Can I guarantee my buyer's agent "whatever the seller offers"?

I am going to use a buyer's agent to buy a house, and I understand that I have to sign a contract with her before seeing the first one (or each one), and that contract must specify how much and how my agent will be paid. I don't want to end up paying her out-of-pocket, for example in the case where the seller offers the buyer's agent 1.5% while I guaranteed her at least 2%. Can my contract with my agent say that her "fee will be equal to whatever the seller is offering buyers' agents" (written in proper legalese, of course) and that this fee will be paid by the seller at closing? (Note: Although I am skeptical about how much benefit a buyer's agent can offer me, I have decided to use one for various reasons that I won't detail here. So please don't advise me to simply not use an agent -- I have already crossed that bridge.) submitted by /u/BennyOlive [link] [comments] source

Should I put more money into the house or just lower the price?

My house has been on the market for a month with not a single showing. We have lowered the price once already. Realtor advises painting the house to improve curb appeal. We didn't pick the price, we would have gone 100k less than initial price. We've spent almost 100k on updates since January. before we spend more I need some outside opinions. Should we paint the exterior or lower the price? submitted by /u/woodchuck_wife [link] [comments] source

Selecting a place

Hi people, I am soon going to get a new place. It is my first time and I have no idea about knowing about the material or the build quality. What are the things I should notice in rooms, kitchen, bathrooms in order to understand that I won’t get im trouble later on like water seepage or paint falling off. submitted by /u/Afraid-Proposal5436 [link] [comments] source

How to manage small portfolios around 25 units?

I need suggestions for a friend of mine. Can you please suggest a property management software that I can use for small portfolios of upto 30 units? Please dont suggest any that costs a lot. Currently I cannot invest much. submitted by /u/TeamMachiavelli [link] [comments] source

Looing for advice on whether to sell my townhouse or rent it out

We have a townhouse in Seattle for 4 years which interest rate is 2.75% but We only paid 5% down payment so we have PMI. The monthly payment is around $3600. We lived there less than 2 years, and the rest of time is rented out. If it is rented out, the rent is around $3700. Recently we bought a sfh which interest rate is 6.375% and paid 30% down. We thought keeping the old townhouse because it can generate positive cashflow or maybe a little negative cashflow if something needs to be fixed. We know being an landlord is a job, but if we hold it for long time, it can be a decent income. However, now we are thinking since the interest rate for our sfh is 6.375%, why not sell the townhouse and pay the principal of sfh? The return rate of townhouse won't be able to exceed 6.375%. Holding the townhouse sounds more like a bad investment plan. Any advice is appreciated :) submitted by /u/Time_Machine_88 [link] [comments] source

Advice? Moved out of my primary residence and now renting

I moved out of the house I own in August 2021, I lived there for 8 years, I have been renting an apartment the past 3 years and renting out my house. My current tenant is moving out in September. I seem to have just missed the living 2 years out of 5 years rule for being exempt from capital gains tax and my house being a primary home. Any advice on what the best thing to do would be moving forward? Continue to rent out my house? I'm happy with my rental, but wouldn't mind buying another property down the road. I could sell my house down the road and try to do a 1031 exchange? Moving back in my house isn't ideal because it's an hour away from where I currently live. I could take a HELOC perhaps and try to buy another property and continue renting for the long term? I do have a 2.4% mortgage rate on the house so I don't mind keeping it for a while. Thanks for everyone's advice. submitted by /u/Ok-Top-7859 [link] [comments] source

Obtaining a real estate license as a hobby?

Hello, I am 24 years old - 2 years out of college and I have my main job. I was looking to get a real estate license (in California if location matters) as a hobby/for fun since I like real estate ever since I was in high school. In the past 2 years, I would go to open house in the weekends to look at homes for fun. I don’t plan to practice real estate full time as I have my main job but I am curious are there any benefits to this? In the future, I plan to own multiple properties and have rentals, so I was wondering if getting a real estate license can help me with it? Thanks submitted by /u/AlohVera [link] [comments] source

Cash or mortgage ?

Hello, I have 75k euro to invest and I wonder if it's better to get a mortgage or to buy the property cash? Context: I am an expat and I want to buy in a country in Europe where the estate aren't expensive. The idea will be to rent the property of course. submitted by /u/Benodino [link] [comments] source

FHA quadplex?

My wife and I have been looking into purchasing a multi family home and know FHA can allow up to four units. Our market (WNC) doesn't offer many sales of multi family homes however so we were considering trying to build, now I know FHA does have construction loans but I've seen mixed information on if its possible to construct a multi family home or only single family homes. submitted by /u/Kfinch92 [link] [comments] source

My two cents on buyers commission

I personally think “who pays what?” as far as commission will ultimately boil down to local demand. If local demand is a sellers market, the buyer is most likely going to be on the hook for paying the buyers agent entire fee if local demand is a balanced market, I’d imagine sellers are more likely to split the commission with buyers if the local demand is a buyers market, the seller is more likely to pay the full buyers commission So who pays has more to do with your towns local demand which you can get a sense for via Redfin or ask chatGPT “has the rate of sales price increases gone or down for town [NAME AND STATE OF TOWN] Whether you go unrepresented or not, FIND A GOOD REAL ESTATE ATTORNEY FIRST BEFORE ENGAGING WITH AN AGENT. Before signing anything , this includes buyers agreement, run any questions you may have by your attorney. Once you’ve narrowed your choice to a particular agent, run the buyer agreement by your attorney. If you do want to go with representation

Should be closing soon

Am I being petty or is the seller? I don't think this has been the worst negotiation process but it's been tedious. We originally had inspections on the house we are buying a few weeks back; those consisted of a home inspection, septic inspection and pool inspection. We negotiated on some repairs. We preferred a credit but we were satisfied with the scope of work being done to remediate mold and address the leak that caused it. So we moved forward, but about 2 weeks ago, the septic company found out that they missed the bathroom in the pool house and needed to get back out to the house to inspect it. It was past the inspection period, where we could no longer ask for repairs regarding the pool house if something came up. At first the seller agreed, upon us signing an addendum stating "we would not use pool house as a way to ask for additional concessions, and it's for your information only". We signed. However, the Sunday of the next week came and we got an ema

Attempting to repair home to sell it

Hey everyone I am considering in installing laminate or carpet in my living room which measures approximately 20 feet in length and 14 feet in width any idea which would be cheaper to install? The handyman I spoke to told me his daily rate but didn't want tell me how much he would charge to do the job. He also mentioned that the two small bedrooms that are both close to 8ft by 8 ft each would be cheaper if I installed carpet instead of laminate since carpet is more cheaper for smaller spaces is that accurate ? below are images of my living room which I referenced too. Am located in SoCal submitted by /u/MrTOM_Cant901 [link] [comments] source

Realtor rebate- Washington State

My brother is a newer agent so he offers rebate to all clients- including me. He insisted on giving me $8k rebate. My closing cost estimate is about $11k. The lender is giving me about $7.5k credits if I pick a bit higher interest rate (still a pretty good rate). The difference on monthly payment is like $50 more if I pick the higher rate. Planning to refi within 2-3 years when it makes sense. Besides closing cost, what can realtor’s rebate applied to? 1 year of HOA, property taxes, appliances ? I want to maximize my savings, but lender’s credits + my brother’s rebate exceeds the closing cost. It can’t be applied towards down payment. Gift cards and cash NOT an option, everything needs to be on paper and legal. Thanks in advance! submitted by /u/Ambitious-Floor1866 [link] [comments] source

Seller in Texas is trying to force buyer with letter to take ownership of the house one day before closing and will be in default at closing.

Seller sent a letter below claiming that I will be in default one day before the closing date that the seller set. Is this normal in Texas? The house has a second inspection date of the 26th (the new build had too many items wrong with it during the first inspection) and the builder's realtor set the closing date of 08/29. Is this a scare tactic to force my hands to accept the home as is? Should this be the stage where I hand this over to a lawyer since they are trying to keep the escrow money. Is there any real estate laws or codes in Texas that prevent this type of manipulation? Here is the wording from the letter: This letter is to inform you that your new home is now complete. Per the terms and conditions of the Residential Earnest Money Contract dated June 21, 2024, paragraph 21 titled “Closing” states: “… the closing of this transaction shall occur within five (5) days after the later of: (i) Seller’s notice to Buyer (this notice may be verbal or written) that constr

Backing out of Redfin Buyer Agent Agreement

Hi, About 3 months ago I entered in agreement with a Redfin buyer agent to help me search for a home. I signed an exclusive buyer agent agreement to get the .25% rebate or whatever they offered. Only reason being, because at the time sellers paid for agents fees on the MLS so it didn’t really matter who represented me. Flash forward to today that is no longer the case. If a seller refuses to pay a buyer’s agents fee I can be on the hook for payment at the time of sale. The fee they charge is around 3% of home price, which when factoring in all other costs is pretty steep. I was wondering if it’d be possible to back out of this buyers agreement and go on to purchase a home without repercussions or need to pay them. Has anyone dealt with this recently? submitted by /u/Accomplished-Lie5794 [link] [comments] source

Bought house with 2.5% rate, sell or rent out??

Rent or Sell? I live in Raleigh, NC. I have a furnished townhouse that i’ve been renting out for $3,000/months including utilities. I purchased the house 3 years ago for 300K with interest of 2.5%. My mortgage is about $1,600/ month and HOA is $192/month. With everything going up such as property tax, utilities, HOA, Wifi internet, it would he hard to find a tenant who will pay $2,500-$3,000 with utilities for rent. My current tenant will leave in 2 months due to decline in health, she is moving back to her parents. I am wondering what I should do with the property after she leaves. My husband and I live in his townhouse now, but our goal is to save up to buy our “forever home” in 2-3 years or when the time is right. I have 3 options, please suggest what you would do. Thank you. sell the property? I am worried the market will crash soon and my house won’t be worth as much if i don’t sell now. The house is only 3 years old so selling now will be more appealing for buyers because it

QLD, Australia - real estate licence help

I have just obtained my cert 5 in real estate and am now lodging through the office of fair trading to receive my licence however I’m not sure which one to choose? There’s the property licence (individual) and the real estate salesperson registration. Can someone please advise? Thanks! Property licence - 1 year - $1,599.10 3 years - $2,998.10 Salesperson registration - 1 year - $375.20 3 years - 637.60 submitted by /u/callmedaddy_xo [link] [comments] source

Seller wants us to take over solar panels loan

We saw a house today. Built in 2001. But because I’m in love with the layouts of back then. I love close concept vs new open concept homes. It’s a decent amount of square footage, pool and a it’s a waterfront property. Beautiful home. But seller has 30 + solar panels on it. He still owes 70k on them with 17 years left. And monthly payment is $420. House has been on the market for a while and husband just looked at me and said “no wonder.” As soon as we walked in, our realtor got a message from other realtor telling him seller knows that amount can’t be rolled into the mortgage so he either wants us to take over loan & pay $420 a month or increase price by 70k But let me note, that information is nowhere to be found on the realtor website. So people are going in thinking they will be just paying for the selling price or lower if negotiable. I feel like it’s a false advertisement to some degree. I’m so bummed. I absolutely loved that house but if we increase the price of home

Will more real estate attorneys start marketing themselves as a replacement for buyer's agents?

Hi, I see a lot of people recommending getting a real estate attorney instead of an agent to negotiate, close, etc. so I'm wondering if more will or are offering their services in that capacity now that we're somewhat freed from the shackles of realtors and people are now doubting their value. And if so, how does one find a good one? (Though I also see why they wouldn't, given that they could alienate agents who would otherwise use their services.) I'm not necessarily anti-agent. My mom was one in the 80's. A good one can provide significant value. But rare is the situation where one is worth 2.5-3% on a $500-600K home, especially in my case where I'll be buying out of town, looking at only a couple or so because I cant fly out for anything I'm not serious about, and I'll be paying cash. Also, it's damn near impossible to know if you have a good one. For example, the last time I was in the market I had an agent with great reviews, she could spot p

My buyer agent wants 2.5%. Is this normal?

Gotta meet with the realtor to sign the new agreement but I don’t know how I feel about paying a percentage. It’s rather bs. Is this percentage too high or what should I do? I’m afraid if I ask if the price is negotiable, she’ll say no and I’ll look like some cheapskate lol submitted by /u/RespondSure [link] [comments] source

How to filter out narrow tall townhouses on listings?

Hello there Im trying to help some old people find home in USA. a lot of listings are Narrow townhomes with 4 stories. old people prefer 1 floor or 2 floors only maybe 3 maximum, how do you filter out that? is it possible? submitted by /u/cisjabroni [link] [comments] source

How do I find the current residential address of my seller so that I can file against them in small claims court?

I was the buyer. Of course I know the name of the seller from our documents, but other that that I have no knowledge of her contact information. Everything was handled between her seller's agency and my buyer's agency. So now I have a pretty solid claim of material defect that was known to the buyer but not included in the disclosures. I have the results of an emergency condo plumbing inspection dated months before acceptance/closing of my offer. So it should have definitely been included as a known defect. So how do I get the phone number and mailing address of the seller in order to serve my claim? Tax records are useless because she owns a dozen properties in the city, no idea which would be her residence. A private investigator quoted me $600 which is not worth it, the total damages I am seeking are $1400. I only became aware of the issue a few months after closing when the building association sent me a final notice letter that I must fix all defective items from the e

Are real estate agents really making a lot?

Hey everyone Can someone please explain the caveat or shortcomings of being a realtor (especially in LA)? My understanding is that you make 2-3% commission of a property, split between the buyer n seller agents So if I convince some rich person interested in a home to buy a 6M mansion , I earn around $120k And then if I close a 4M deal , I earn around 80k ATP might as well retire for the rest of the year… that’s a 200k salary! This sounds too good to be true. submitted by /u/ChallengeRelevant489 [link] [comments] source

3.5% Fixed Mortgage Townhome

I have the opportunity to purchase a townhome with 3.5% down and 3.5% 30-year fixed FHA in Phoenix, AZ. This is a new build and builder promotion. However, it is a townhome. 2b 2.5ba single garage. Purchase price of $370k at $2,260 mortgage all in. I’m on the fence - my offer has been accepted and I’m preparing to put earnest money down. I understand with imminent rate drops that the home price will likely increase, however, I understand that in general town homes do not appreciate in value and are often preferred as rentals as long term investments. My intention with the home is to keep it rent it later. Which is why the low interest rate was so attractive to me. It IS on the edge of town, near a reservation. But the rear of the house does have a Mountain View which is really nice. I’m trying to work through whether purchasing this town home is a good idea or not. And I’m searching the internet for randoms to give their input! Thank you SO MUCH submitted by /u/Maleficent_

Ways around capital gain tax.

Devil’s advocate/ discussion question. Married couple lives in house 5 years. Goes to sell, earns $800k over original house cost. They plan to use the earnings to buy an investment property, one they can live in while renting half of it out. Is there any way to avoid capital gains tax here? Outside of something illegal that is. submitted by /u/Pepper-6781 [link] [comments] source

For sale by owner tips

I'm currently in the process of selling my home. I can use any tips, from people that have successfully sold a home without a realtor. Like what paperwork I need and what hidden fees I should watch out for. I'm hoping all I need is a great lawyer. submitted by /u/Purple-Anteater1137 [link] [comments] source

home renovation question

Hi! My husband and I are currently looking to purchase a townhome built in 1986. first-time buyers. Recently, we did an inspection and the following need replacement: HVAC (heater, ac) needs replacement bc no cold air - we cannot test heater right now but we assume it will be the same issue there might be a leak from an upstairs bathroom that may have stopped but should be investigated (dry wall & repaint needed too) garbage disposal replacement kitchen appliances (dishwasher, stove, fridge) must be replaced, electrical outlet outdoor needs replacement because it's missing the reset button - apparently common in older homes, minor termite treatment for subterranean termites, cosmetic fixes (painting, flooring - stripping out carpet and applying vinyl)... washer/dryer hookups need replacement (could lead to leaks over time according to inspector) how much would all of this cost? the agent wants to request 20k in credit but we do not think that is enough or fair. we

Personal Contact Management Survey

Dear Reddit Community As part of my Executive MBA program at Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business , my team and I are diving into a Global Strategy consulting project focused on CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tools.Anyone is eligible and your feedback would be incredibly valuable to our research. If you have a moment, please take our survey: Thank you for your support! 💼📊 submitted by /u/Nomnomnompacman [link] [comments] source

First Time Investor Needs Advice

Hi Everyone, I'm looking to buy my first property. I'm a California resident but want to buy 4-unit apartment complexes in Milwaukee Wisconsin. I chose this location because I have family there, it's an easy city to navigate (unlike nearby Chicago), and far less expensive than overpriced Los Angeles. The goal is to start with one complex and expand to multiple. I have about $40k worth of credit cards and about $20k in savings. However, I have no idea where to begin. I travel abroad a lot to the UK and Australia, so not in American often. So ideally I would just like to buy properties and have a Property Manager handle the day to day. Any pointers? Thank you. submitted by /u/No_Construction_7580 [link] [comments] source

Essential Tips for Buying Pre-Construction Homes in Oakville's Real Estate Market

Check out the key strategies for purchasing pre-construction homes in Oakville, A flourishing town near Lake Ontario. This guide covers everything from selecting your budget and researching developers to understanding purchase agreements and considering the resale potential. Stay informed and confident as you navigate Oakville's dynamic real estate market to find your dream home in this booming town. submitted by /u/tallpropertycanada [link] [comments] source

Start up company in Egypt that needs investors

We are looking for investors who want to invest with us in Egypt. We have properties starting from 30k you can buy your property and use it as investment or as an airbnb If you need any info just dm me submitted by /u/InevitableAvocado509 [link] [comments] source

Real Estate Student

Hey I’m 18 and I’m taking this real estate course and there seems to be so much just nonsense information that I feel like I’ll never use like random law codes 40289 (no disrespect intended) Should I actually be memorizing all these codes for the test ? submitted by /u/Stephan121200 [link] [comments] source

Anyone live on a small block with kids

Hi, just wondering if anyone has built a 4x2 on a 385sqm block with 3 young kids, and how it's gone. Do you think this is too small? House will be like 180 -220sqm... submitted by /u/Emergency_Aioli5501 [link] [comments] source

Best loan options for out of state purchase?

Prospective first time home buyer here. I'm planning to buy a house out of state soon and have heard various opinions about the best place to get a loan. Some say local lenders are the best, but does that mean I should get one local to my current state, or one in the state where the property is at? Or neither and I should just go with a big bank or something else? Any advice appreciated, TIA submitted by /u/murrrd [link] [comments] source

[South Australia] Buying a home eligible for First Home Owners Grant

This is probably a long shot but looking for some advice. I'm getting ready to enter the market and purchase my first home to live in. I've been doing as much research as I can which has lead me to the FHOG. The criteria requires a home that has not been occupied prior which I have yet to see on any of the market places, or building a new home. From everything I can tell, the only would be able to use it is the second option (building) which I really don't want to do given all the horror stories of heard from people who are building currently. Does anyone have any advice on how to find houses that might be eligible or who I should put myself in contact with? Any advice would be immensely appreciated! submitted by /u/Southy567 [link] [comments] source

Sell or hold…?

Purchased in 2018 @$186k. $172k left on mortgage @ 3.6% Selling would net $90-140k. We’d pay off our credit cards (including $15k @20%) and free up $950/mo in cash flow. Looking at a property $320k, taxes are half than here - but insurance is higher, and 6.2% interest rate on the mortgage. The property is beautiful, but we’d have to move, sell, and pay 6.2% - but the monthly cash flow would be the same, given that we wouldn’t have credit debt and could afford our dream property. Am I being foolish? Put down 10-30% (10%, FHA to 20%+ conventional) while also paying off a massive debt that I probably can’t manage on our single income. And then we would realize the +$100k in “free” home value since we bought 6 years ago…but that would just go to a larger cost on a more expensive (higher interest rate) property. submitted by /u/trombonist2 [link] [comments] source

900k for a manufactured home?

I live in Southern California where the median home price in my zip is $835k. I recently stumbled upon a listing for $885k for a manufactured home on a .46 acre. This lot is beautiful. All I really want a home for is a yard and at least 3 rooms to fit my family. This meets the criteria. It has 4 beds/2baths and 1,732 sqft. However, this pricing seems WAY too high for a manufactured home. It's definitely nice but it was built in 1999. Two questions: How would you assess a manufactured home/land pricing? There is no other listing I've seen like this in my area, so it's hard to gauge how accurately priced this is and how low I could make an offer. Is there anything inherently worse about manufactured homes than single-family homes? Like is it more susceptible to natural disasters? Is it hard to insure? etc. submitted by /u/Docmarken [link] [comments] source

Primary home for older adults, secondary home for adult children

My parents are recently retired and intend to sell their property and move to a house with one-level living in the next few years. They want to live on a lake, or on a secluded lot in the woods for a "cabin" feel. A lot of the houses have a walkout basement, which would probably have all or most of the guest bedrooms for my family and my sibling's family. My spouse and I have discussed the possibility of chipping in some money (about 10% of the purchase price) for either renovating the walkout basement if it's a fixer upper or allowing the purchase of a nicer home so that the basement can sort of be our "second home." We would get equity in the house in return. However, I'm afraid that suggesting this will offend my parents, or it will create weird money dynamics. Right now I have a good relationship with my parents and my kids adore spending time with them. On the other hand, I'm sure I've heard of extended families doing this all the time. I

Who goes where

We have 3 kids 11 boy, 9 girl, 5 girl. Thinking about making an offer on a house. The house has 2 bedrooms upstairs and 2 downstairs. Currently we life in a one story 4 bedroom house and everyone has their own room. I’m struggling with whether I want my split my kids between floors. Should I put my son downstairs with us and then both girls upstairs? Or maybe my 2 oldest upstairs and youngest down. Or maybe I have the girls share a room and my son has the other room upstairs so they’re all on one story and we use the downstairs as a guest room. All rooms are huge and have their own bathroom. Just curious what you would do in that situation. submitted by /u/Loose_Performance_27 [link] [comments] source

Is it a Buy Low situation in Turkey 2024 with the current 50% interest rate

I’m thinking about the following. High interest rates typically reduce the demand for real estate because fewer people can afford to take out mortgages. This lower demand can lead to softer or even declining property prices, creating an opportunity for cash buyers to negotiate better deals. So, there is Turkey with a very high 50% interest rate. Do you think it’s a good investment to buy real estate there? I looked for some apartments in Istanbul and contacted real estate agencies to get information about projects under development. The prices don’t seem that attractive for me especially because I’m expecting to see relatively low prices. Do you recommend other cities outside of Istanbul? So you recommend other options besides apartments? Investing in commercial real estate is very expensive and out of my budget though. submitted by /u/AdPretend5939 [link] [comments] source


We've had our house on the market for too long. No one wants to even look. No offers. Nothing. I would love to have honest feedback from experienced agents. Thank you 😊 submitted by /u/Acrobatic-Yam7633 [link] [comments] source

How common is a non-refundable EMD?

I'm talking about a portion of the EMD being non-refundable. Such as a $10k EMD and $2k is non-refundable if the deal is canceled for any reason. How common is this? submitted by /u/peat_phreak [link] [comments] source

Closing on new home before selling current one

Interested to see what others would do. We are purchasing a new semi-custom home for $1.75M, closing on August 22nd. Very excited but a little anxious given how weird the market and rates have been this year: We went into contract back in March (no contingency to sell our current home since we felt we had plenty of time, and lender qualified us on both mortgages). We have our current townhome listed at $1.175M (been on the market for 45 days). We’ve had 4 open houses and 10 individual showings. A few people have loved the home, but have mentioned it’s a little out of their budget with current rates. We aren’t desperate to sell the home, as we purchased for $975K in 2021 at a 3.25% rate. The same floor plan sold for $1.3M twice in 2022, and $1.15M in February of this year with less features and finishes/worse appliances. We are in a market (Denver) where plenty of homes are just sitting. A couple other smaller homes in our neighborhood have decreased price, and still no offers. We a

Florida Keys mobile home

I want to sell to some family that can fix it up with tile and maybe drywall and raise a family . . . But if they decide to demolish & build new stilt home I would need Cash$$ paid off...I was thinking 375K price , your sailboat 35'-40' foot + $$ down about 100K ,& I will hold paper..listen in 1986 I put 5k down and 15yrs of $495 month at 10%%% Owner financed . . . Contractors have said lot is worth 400k , Miss ripoff agent down the road offerered mme 200K , She would demolish & build new for 300K , then sell for 900K , that's right !!! Stilt Homes rated at 180MPH on my street are goin for 900+K... On my street about 25 homes , Some on canal , but only 5 Mobile Homes Left. . . I've been approved for 180K , and I've thought about a tiny home Made of Steel I-beams 16 ' X 16' 2Stories with Concrete Roof Sundeck on pilons for a view of BahiaHondaStatePark . . . I don't trust any agents , and in 2004 I lost a 60k balloon payment with Fidelitie wh

Do real estate agents use a timeline management app to remind you?

Hi! I just wanted to ask here if you are adapting to the latest technology. Do you use an app to manage your timelines or if you are to look for an app to help you, what are the things that you are going to look for aside from getting clients? What are the common problems this 2024? submitted by /u/the-lonely-island [link] [comments] source

Very cold feet to close

Husband and I are closing on a house out of state (NV) in 2 days. I just found out I’m pregnant (it’s a surprise - I’m well into my 40s and this is a first child) and it’s a very high risk pregnancy. I don’t feel comfortable moving to a new state with less strong health care and now needing to plan for the expense of a child. This house and this move overall no longer makes sense. We’re two days away from closing, half the down payment has been wired. Is there any way we can back out? We know we lose the earnest money. I just want what we’ve already wired for the down payment back. submitted by /u/Adorable_Dance_7264 [link] [comments] source

House financing /veteran

Hello, im a disabled vet with horrible credit. With that being said, i have a family member that has a good amount of money to invest in real estate. The question is, can we both co-sign on a house, using my $0 down payment benefit, and using his finances to back up the financing? He’s also not a US citizen but does have a tourist visa and is allowed to come and go to the US as he pleases. Thanks If more info is needed lmk. submitted by /u/Melodic-Song-5650 [link] [comments] source

Title Theft, LandLock?

I was contacted yesterday after closing on my first property a few weeks ago (not sure how they knew) by a company called LandLock ( They said they prevent title theft and real estate fraud from happening. I didn’t quite understand how they do it but they said that Home Title Lock only monitor title and alert after the incident happens but they don’t let the incident to happen at the first place. Was anyone contacted by them? submitted by /u/ZealousidealCable183 [link] [comments] source

Welcome to Aasra1world

Real estate refers to properties consisting of land and the buildings on it, as well as natural resources like crops, minerals, or water. submitted by /u/ThisHelicopter653 [link] [comments] source

Sell or rent out?

I bought a house in 2021 in Georgetown, Tx, for 465k. I still owe 410k on the house, and now it is priced at around 450k. The monthly payment is 2900 and the house could rent for 2600. I am moving soon and looking into my options Thanks in advance for any insightful comments submitted by /u/SoTrue2Me [link] [comments] source

What would YOU do!?!?

I purchased 13 acre of raw land 2yrs ago that’s located in a prominent area of Fayetteville,NC the 3 neighborhoods that surrounds my property ranges between 500k-900k new constructed homes. Goodyear factory, which is the largest factory in town is 300 yards away and also a 500,000 square-foot titanium facility which will be built less then a 1 mile from my lot on the same road. Question: should I build an event space which then I can cater to the two industrial factories and private events….. or ….. subdivide the lots and build investments properties I have 180k and an inherited a 3,300 that’s value around 400k can I make that happen? submitted by /u/SelectFox4625 [link] [comments] source

What would you do if buying new 1.2M home on $400k HHI?

Option 1: rent out current home for $1,400 profit/month and take out $900k mortgage for new home. Option 2: sell current home and take out $300k mortgage for new home Assume that option 1 is doable (obviously tighter than option 2) and would cost around 30-35% of monthly take home I like current home and would like to keep it due to personal reasons and also have wanted to get into owning a rental property. submitted by /u/superman1020 [link] [comments] source

Contract Termination Question - Utilities

Is the unavailability of high speed internet grounds to back out of a contract? I'm in my due diligence and just learned that there is no high speed offered in the area I'm purchasing in. There's no contingency in my contract to cover that because it didn't even occur to me that there are still places getting 10mbs top speed. But is insufficient utility availability something that is covered in my due diligence period? Edit: Hoping not to lose earnest money and that there’s some way so shoehorn this utility deficiency into due diligence. submitted by /u/alchemyofthought [link] [comments] source

Can someone verify FEMA required flood insurance? Part of lot in flood zone A, structure is not.

Seems to be conflicting info online - will flood insurance be required if the lot is partially in a flood zone, or just the structure itself? Home is up in elevation from the flood zone a few hundred feet back from the house into a wooded area with a river. submitted by /u/EducationalUse1776 [link] [comments] source

I took some photos for an airbnb listing and a realtor is now using them to sell the home, what to do?

I'm a real estate photographer and this guy hired me to shoot his two airbnb units, I guess it didn't work out and now he's selling the home and apparently he gave the airbnb photos to a realtor and the realtor is now using those photos to list the house, which wasn't the original intent of the photos, how do I get them to take them down? I emailed the realtor a few days ago with no response yet submitted by /u/CeremonyGrand [link] [comments] source