Am I being petty or is the seller? I don't think this has been the worst negotiation process but it's been tedious. We originally had inspections on the house we are buying a few weeks back; those consisted of a home inspection, septic inspection and pool inspection. We negotiated on some repairs. We preferred a credit but we were satisfied with the scope of work being done to remediate mold and address the leak that caused it.
So we moved forward, but about 2 weeks ago, the septic company found out that they missed the bathroom in the pool house and needed to get back out to the house to inspect it. It was past the inspection period, where we could no longer ask for repairs regarding the pool house if something came up.
At first the seller agreed, upon us signing an addendum stating "we would not use pool house as a way to ask for additional concessions, and it's for your information only". We signed. However, the Sunday of the next week came and we got an email from their attorney saying the "buyer no longer agrees to the inspection of the pool house, or the language in the addendum".
So they wouldn't allow the septic company back in. Usually the report of the septic company would be released to the county. Technically,because the pool house was not inspected, the inspector would mark in the report as"unfounded and needs further investigation" according to the septic company's owner. That would cause the county to not issue a Certificate of Continued Occupancy, until it's been re-inspected and deemed up to code. Normally, that would be the case, but the Seller already received a CCO prior to listing the house.
Because they would not let us back in to the pool house, they ended up allowing a concession of 15K as a way to move the deal forward. Our attorney negotiated with their attorney and we signed an addendum recognizing the scope of work they agreed to perform, along with the additional credit.
We are 6 days from closing but 2 days ago, the seller's agent reached out and asked if we wanted the pool opened or closed. We wanted it open, the agent said "it's 1400 that's prepaid to close the pool in October, could we deduct 1400 from the sellers credit". I reluctantly agreed, because one shouldn't have to do with the other in my opinion, but chalked up to it being my cost regardless. Yesterday, the seller's agent reached back out and said "it's 1800 to close the pool". At that point, I just asked my agent to just say "I don't agree with giving a credit now because it's not being handled the right way". My response was more wordy but that's the basic sentiment.
The seller's agent responded back "my seller will just close the pool now then".
We'd like to enjoy the pool for a bit before closing. I don't mind paying the money to close it myself, it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth that proposed this last minute, and then doubled back for more.
Am I being stupid or petty for not wanting to budge now?
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