I put an offer on a home that was listed a week ago. The agent told us there were 8 offers and we were in the top 3. Our offer was over asking with no contingency and 30 day close. Our agent asked the selling agent to see if our offer was competitive enough or if we should go up in order to be included in the counter. The selling agent said no and that she would keep us posted after she connected with the sellers. We received an update that we have 72hrs to give our best and final offer. We are willing to go up again in price but also unsure how much more we should be offering? They didn’t give us a counter amount and only requested best and final.
Wondering if this means we are still in the running? Curious what others think of this situation.
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/RealEstate/comments/1g4t4dn/any_advice_on_what_this_could_mean/
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