Do you believe two people living off a combined income of 1500/1800 a fortnight can afford all the parts that come with home owning, with the mortgage paid off, and I have 50k savings
So basically, i am about to win a fair bit of money in a victim claim, 500k to 1 million (rough number but have been guaranteed a min of 500k). I will be using this money to move out of Perth to Bridgetown. I am currently on disability which will expire in 2 years, where I will work part time to support any other bills i may need with my mortage paid off. So what i am asking is i have a partner of 5 years, I am going to marry this man, who has supported me through everything and has never asked for a penny. He is currently unemployed, to start studies and eventually a part-time job when we move (could take over a year to find one due to low job opportunities, although both happy with retail, supermarket any little job). When we move the understanding is we will split all bills and council rates, as charging him 'rent' isnt something i find necessary as the mortage is paid off and i wouldn't charge him anything as this has been OUR blessing (however we both agree the house will remain solely in my name (unless we split when married or defacto relationship is eventually relevant and to split all other relevant house costs/repairs/maintenance etc). As I have never bought a house, do you believe two people living off a combined income of 1500/1800 a fortnight can afford all the parts that come with home owning, with the idea that the mortgage is paid off, and I have some savings in a high interest savings account.
Any tips will be most appreciated. Id like to quickly add me and my partner have both suffered from mental health, so neither of us want to work full-time if we can avoid it. he is considering getting his marketing degree and working from home as a social media manager, or simply pick up a cruisey part-time job within a 30/40min drive from where we live. House wise, something not too old with a managable garden to avoid tree lopping costs and major repairs. Grocery wise, 2 big costco trips a year and shop at woolies in Manjimup- Cheers
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