I keep reading about people having their realtors show them houses or realtors showing people tons of houses. I've been through two purchases. After 2 showings with my first one, and after the first one I saw with my second purchase, when I would show up to view a house and some random person would be there. I would ask about the house and would be told they had no idea, yhey just get a call to let someone in and I have to talk to my realtor. On my second purchase I switched realtors because the guy elaborated on what the other people had said he told me that he works for a company that just comes by to let people in, make sure they don't steal anything, and lock up. He knows nothing about the house he is showing aside from the address and has to instruct the client's to their realtor for information as basic as bedrooms, bathrooms, and square footage. This happened both times using a Redfin realtor buying. I purchased through the first, and dropped the second one as he forgot to put in offers, didn't pick up, and just didn't exist. Is this a thing for Redfin realtors? A random person opening a door without any qualifications or knowledge?
It seems like it shouldn't be ethical or safe for the buyer or seller. The first time I was only showed once by someone and didn't think much of it, but the second time I bought I was blown away. Not even people trying to get a license or even working for a realtor office. Is this normal? I was in the Seattle market btw
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/RealEstate/comments/161nrrk/is_there_really_a_doordash_equivalent_to_showing/
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