I'm 23 and live in Florida. my grandfather whom I was a caregiver for passed away April 2021, he left his property to me and my sister in his last codicil of his will and trust. In this will he states that he wants to remove my aunt and anyone else listed on the will because they are deceased. My aunt knew this. The only issue is that my aunt and my dad (now deceased) are listed as trustees. When I tried to file the codicil at the courthouse they said I needed to file it in probate, which I couldn't afford so I wasn't able to.
Out of nowhere this company sends someone to come to my house, opened my gate and banged on my door. Of course I didn't answer, when I opened the door after he left I found some kind of purchasers agreement/contract and a note saying he is interested in buying my home (at the time I was in the early stages of foreclosure, which is public record. but it's settled now). I called the number and immediately I had sketchy vibes from him so I didn't answer anymore calls or texts. I told my mom about the situation and she said the same man called her asking about my home as well. Well, he went to my aunt to convince her to let him buy the property, told her she's a trustee so she has all rights to it and she did. She signed the deed over and sold my home that I'm currently living in (worth 320k) for 60k!!! She said it will be split 4 ways between her, my sister and the other sister I have that hasn't been around in ages. This man filed an unlawful detainer case that was dismissed because the judge said he cannot file this type of case if we were in possession of the property before he purchased. He amended his complaint and the court decided that he had to file with circuit court instead of county because it involves property/title to land etc so now he has to refile AGAIN.
What can I do? I can't afford a lawyer and I've tried legal aid but they cannot find a pro Bono lawyer for me right now. Is there anything I can file In my defense? Any advice is appreciated.
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/RealEstate/comments/12zaf63/my_aunt_signed_over_the_deed_to_my_home_to_a/
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