Looking at financing a commercial real estate property. The bank’s flood advisor said it needs flood insurance. Insurance companies immediately quote $16K and $22K. They say, “if you get an elevation certificate, the price can come down” so I get one. Premium ranges from $2500 to $4000 based on NFIP. They are all supposed to quote the same price since it is underwritten by the govt so obviously something is effed up. Fishy so far.
I’m reading the elevation cert EC and it says the 6 buildings I want to buy (self storage) are in zone AE. I look at the fema Map online and one part of the property touches AE zone. But the elevation cert says none of the buildings are below base flood elevation. BFE
So I call up the surveyor and ask why the building is listed in zone AE. He says if any part of the property is in zone AE, the whole property is listed as such. I’m skeptical. I ask him where is that documented? Oh it’s in the fema handbook for EC’s. Uh huh ok.
I go to the FEMA website and take the elevation certification online training course. I read the EC documentation. I can’t find anything anywhere that says if a property is touching zone AE that any building on that land is marked as AE for insurance purposes. Instead everything is predicated by the location and elevation of the buildings.
Basically I think I’m being lied to. Bank doesn’t have good advice from their flood advisor. Insurance company doesn’t know what they are doing. Surveyor may be scamming me to the benefit of the insurance company.
Please for the love of God can someone send me a lifeline? Can I call someone in local govt to get straight answers on this? Simple question is whether a building should be labeled AE simply because part of the land touches AE or are they only supposed to mark it AE if the FEMA satellite maps mark it as such?
This whole fiasco has ruined a good deal. Help!!
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/RealEstate/comments/oavfx0/am_i_being_lied_to_about_flood_insurance/
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