We have a 10 acre plot of land, that we intend to develop a family estate or ranch. Currently the land is undeveloped, and full of weeds / no fence etc. Location is in California.
What is the typical path that one would take towards doing this?
We would like to develop concepts for the 10 acres first (landscaping, driveway, etc). Due to current high construction costs, we anticipate that we will focus on landscaping first, where our family members can plant trees, setup irrigation etc first, while leaving space for the house later on.
We vaguely understand that we need to hire an architect/home builder for the house. What is the profession who can help with landscaping and overall design?
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/RealEstate/comments/noyyb5/how_to_develop_open_plot_of_land/
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