Hey guys, love this subreddit and all the informative posts! I was hoping to get some advice about request for repairs.
My wife and I are in escrow right now. We just finished doing inspections this last week and gathered our reports and prioritized which items made the most sense to add to the list. Spent about $800 on home, foundation, mainline and drainage inspections. It was pricey but I can't imagine not doing the due diligence before making the biggest investment of our lives. It seemed to have paid off because we found a few items that easily surpassed the $800 spent.
The biggest items we found were:
- The foundation had a slightly large crack that was estimated to be $3,000~ to repair.
- Breaker panel was an older model that only supported 20amps, the new HVAC that was added requires 30amps. ($2000~ repair)
- Drainage around the home is affecting the foundation. It is moist and it seems that waterproofing is required. ($30,000 estimate....)
Given that the home is a fixer-upper and the seller did not provide any disclosures prior, my realtor believes we have a good case for requesting the first two items.
For the third item, I am a bit worried about the home's value in the future. We're obviously not going to get the full $30,000 because that is just ridiculous but some credit back is definitely due. All 3 inspections referred to the drainage being a problem down the road, but it seems like this can be a rather gray area for the seller to take care of.
I'm a bit anxious to see how it plays out! As much as we like the house, I really hate the idea of a drainage issue that can affect the foundation of a home. And I guess I've been pondering, at what point should we walk away?
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/RealEstate/comments/gucsy7/buyers_request_for_repairs_is_this_reasonable/
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