HELP! Friends judging me over a decision to buy a condo instead of a house! Has anyone else experienced something like this?
I need to vent and I think this is where it's most appropriate. I also posted to personal finance.
My husband and I love to travel and adventure. We strive to be debt free ASAP. We currently rent, and we decided renting is basically just paying someone else's mortgage. We work a lot, and the idea of home maintenance/homeowner responsibility was intimidating and stressful, so we decided on buying an affordable condo in a small city about 10 minutes away from where we are now. It's cheap, and we can travel and adventure while working on paying something off QUICKLY. The property is also rentable. I assume we should pay it off within about 10 years.
I've told a few friends and family members. Some are excited, but I'm appalled at how many bad responses we're getting. I've heard everything from "I just can't imagine you being happy in a condo" to "I can't believe you're moving to a CITY." It's very discouraging to know people I thought respected me are judging me for wanting something affordable that won't be a burden that we can pay off quickly and live life the way we want to. I'm not really looking for advice here, I just want to know if anyone else has experienced this and how they reacted.
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