After applying with a new company, my husband and I decided he should walk into our bank and ask to speak with a loan specialist. This all happens with my presence represented by a cell phone on the table, as I couldn't physically attend.
Short story is, as soon as we asked them to show us where we defaulted on our credit card, they said they'd "allow" us to appeal the situation. Now, at this point, I'm pretty pissed. So I told them that while we will be appealing the situation, I still wanted to know where exactly we have even had an officially late payment. At this point, the lady just begins profusely apologizing; still no explanation.
We ask her to print our entire payment history. It aligns with my memory of the subject; there's one payment, the first, that is four days late. All other payments were made on the 1st of the month, with the due date falling on the 9th.
The only place this all broke with my expectations is that when we negotiated for a lower interest rate and closed the card they did not, as we thought, transfer it to a personal loan. They cancelled the card, and gave us a 7% interest rate rather than the 10.2% we had when the card was active. I don't really care, as it's all the same in the long run, as far as I know.
But here's where it gets a little weird.
The next day, the card had been bloody reinstated. Which again, in the long run, doesn't matter too much. I'm going to keep pretending it doesn't exist, except for paying it off. We're 6 months away. But it's weird, and we never asked for them to reinstate it, nor did we want it. They did, however, leave us the reduced interest rate.
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