We bought our home in December. We have had plumbing issues since we moved in. The man we bought the house from owns a company where he buys houses, and essentially flips them and sells them, he also acts as the agent.
Every time we called him, because we were told that we had a one year home warranty, he would send one of his guys. So far they have ground tree roots from the pipes through the toilet and replaced the piping from the bathroom to the septic tank. When they replaced the pipes they had to drain our septic tank as it was full. That was last month. Well, over the weekend the toilet backed up again and my fiancé had to hand pump it out from the vent pipe? in the ground so we could flush the toilet.
Yesterday a plumber came out and had to pump the septic tank again(remember after just one month) and told us our field lines were likely clogged and our septic tank needed to be replaced. The house was built in 1956 and we believe it’s the original septic tank. We did not know that. The estimate started at 5k. We do not have the money. We aren’t in a financial position to take a loan out with the bank. We were extremely naive, this was the first time we had ever purchased a house and had nothing in writing about the warranty. Yesterday I was told I had no legal leg to stand on.
Can we sell? Can we sue? With all of the fees included in selling a home, from what I see, we would have to ask around 16k more than what we bought the house for to walk away clean. Will my fiancĂ©’s credit be completely shot trying to sell after only 7 months?
Please and thank you for any help! It’s much needed because we are panicked!
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/RealEstate/comments/cjzs1u/help_in_home_7_months_30k_in_debt_and_septic_tank/
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